i wonder what the male monsters look like? i bet they’re huge tough mother fuckers. but probably dumb as brick and will tim get to fight one? that would be really badass. geez, i really wanna go foward in time so i can read ahead. this comic is THAT good!
Okay, something has been bothering me, and I need to occupy myself.
So, what a child of those two would look like? Are monster genes a single thing and then they pull separete genes from a specific pool? Somehting like either you are a regular human or a regular monster? Or can they mix and match? A child could be roughly human, but with Shadow’s purple hair, fangs or even the tail? Or a monster with non-cat blue eyes?
Was that too much science? I think that was oo much science. I’m sorry.
If you want to go super science, unless humanity and these monsters are part of the same species, no reproduction is possible. At least going by looks it seems like even if they were originally part of the same branch as humanity, their too far away from us genetically for anything.
If it were possible it would be like if you mix a donkey and a horse, a half and half that is sterile.
But this is magic fantasy, so maybe instead the resulting child will become king/queen of all monsters.
Happy 3rd day of Hanukkah everybody…what nobody else is Jewish…okay…i’m gonna go play with a dreidel in the corner.
i wonder what the male monsters look like? i bet they’re huge tough mother fuckers. but probably dumb as brick and will tim get to fight one? that would be really badass. geez, i really wanna go foward in time so i can read ahead. this comic is THAT good!
Haha, no, the male/female dynamic is pretty much the same as humanity. Nothing wildly different, but a few subtle physical differences.
like the males have wings and breathe fire….right?
Nope! Not at all.
BUT FIRE BRANDON….are they slugs?
Easy now, this isn’t Monster Musume. The boy cupboard demons probably look as lithe as their under-the-bed female counterparts, with some exceptions.
The comic is going great keep up good work and I like the Latinish title.
Thanks! XD
Do you have any idea when the next pages will be up? I really love this comic so far.
Sunday will be the next update!
Nice, thanks!
Okay, something has been bothering me, and I need to occupy myself.
So, what a child of those two would look like? Are monster genes a single thing and then they pull separete genes from a specific pool? Somehting like either you are a regular human or a regular monster? Or can they mix and match? A child could be roughly human, but with Shadow’s purple hair, fangs or even the tail? Or a monster with non-cat blue eyes?
Was that too much science? I think that was oo much science. I’m sorry.
If you want to go super science, unless humanity and these monsters are part of the same species, no reproduction is possible. At least going by looks it seems like even if they were originally part of the same branch as humanity, their too far away from us genetically for anything.
If it were possible it would be like if you mix a donkey and a horse, a half and half that is sterile.
But this is magic fantasy, so maybe instead the resulting child will become king/queen of all monsters.
Don’t worry, this will be touched upon in the future, if he’s still going by the plot of the story he wrote.
Well I was wrong about her staying there late.
“dog-face” she’s not wrong, he is a bit chihuahua-esq.