#67 “Old Bones”
What the hell?! Monster MEN in my Monster Girl comic? Yes, believe it folks!
*EDIT* I fixed Lady Moonlight’s face in Panel 1, and ‘Blue guy’s’ face in Panel 7. Much better!
What the hell?! Monster MEN in my Monster Girl comic? Yes, believe it folks!
*EDIT* I fixed Lady Moonlight’s face in Panel 1, and ‘Blue guy’s’ face in Panel 7. Much better!
So the monsters develop faster than humans?
Eh? Perhaps a little bit, but not really by much… why do you ask?
Because of the age that htey are making the introductions.
They are just introducing each other, not making a marriage proposal… YET! >:3
Oh dear. Another male character does not simply show up and start giving the main female lead strange looks for no reason. Especially if said new male character is of the same race as the female lead, when the male lead is a different race. As is the case here.
Is this an interfering love interest? KILL HIM. KILL HIM WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE.
Hm… Doesn’t he seem a bit too old for that?
I’d be more worried about the green one.
I second this motion.
So court has agreed we burn both of them just to be sure all those who agree type “aye”
Nay, he is probably her wise old wizard/magical
Nay. We don’t know who either of them are yet, or what impact, if any, either will have on Shadow’s and/or Tim’s lives. Burning someone now who may end up saving Shadow and/or Tim from some horrible fate is NOT a good idea.
Let’s wait to find out who they are and what they do before burning them…
Ok but the second one of them flirts with her they both burn
Heh. Destiny has other plans in store for those two, although I’m not exactly ruling out a fiery future for at least on of them.
Oooo im entertained already
Back off you handsome male monster! Shadow is for tim!! XD
He looks a bit too… old for her, i see handsom Devil (gallery name) is more her age but i aslo think he would go with Nightmare
Do they have jails?
They have dungeons.
in my head, Lord Pax is voiced by Patrick Stewart
I was thinking more along the lines of Sean Connery
Michael Douglas or his father, Kirk Douglas, in my head. (It’s hard to tell the two apart, as Mike could be Kirk’s clone.)
As it is, Blair (blue-hair) seems to have a particular interest in Shadow, and I don’t think it’s romantic. It’s more like he’s studying her closely because … her skin tone matches the men!
Now, Roy (green-hair) seems like he’d be more of a romantic rival, but I think he’s more Mare’s age.
Very insightful! You’re correct on at least 2 things.
I got the names right? *boggle!* XD
(j/k, I know those aren’t their names; the names I used are too “human”. JSYK, I used “Roy” for green-hair because of Order of the Stick, cribbing off Roy Greenhilt.)
Personally I’d go with Kevin Conroy.
I still want some race of barbaric giants that kick ass and chew bubblegum
and they are all out of bubblegum XD
Sean Connery? can’t see it, and do the green haired demon guy have gills?
No, that’s just his markings. He has stripes.
who do you think is the right voice for Lord Pax? Sean Connery or Patrick Stewart?
Patrick Stewart all the way m8
Ian McKellan. Either as Magneto OR Gandalf.
if he were not dead i would have gone with mako, that dude could pull of one hell of a wise old man that can and do still kick ass!
I’ll split the difference and say Ian Mckellen.
oooohhhh someone doesn’t like shadow
btw I read the original novel thingy of your except the last one, i had a filling it would spoil the story, but good job on them i especially liked the second one
Reading the story spoils the comic story… technically I haven’t even begun telling the original story yet… it’s all just extended setup! XD
So mix it up some. No reason the comic has to follow the original story entirely, or even generally. Theres characters you’ve set up to reveal that could go totally different routes and still end up in similar destinations. Theres a certain character in particular that could easily be made into two instead of one. I know where the brotherhood have eyes and doors, for instance, but how they react to what they see through them could be entirely different this time around. Or maybe some of them react differently. Maybe a cross-guild conspiracy among certain characters who are in the minority on their views about playing with the food?
Oh, I AM changing a few things around, but generally the plot will have the same beats to it.
wait, what original story? I don’t care for spoilers! May I please read it???
Lord Pax looks like a nice guy. Like the cool old dude of the monster world.
I know the green one is A Handsome Devil (from the Gallery) and asuming it wasnt a compliment the elderly one is Old Devil, and the blue haired one is the heir to the throne (also from Gallery) which i assume is next in line for ruler of the brotherhood after “Old Devil” has passed away (or worse)
After reading the comments i relise Old Devil is actually called Lord Pax
The bowing of heads that Shadow and Nightmare show in the first panel, could you elaberate on that like are the males themselves more respected or…
Previous page called them an envoy from the brotherhood. Presumably Lord Pax is situated in something like Mother’s position, a position of power. It’s kind of like a dignitary’s kid being extremely polite to other political figures so as to not offend them so their parents won’t yell at them for ruining any diplomatic relationships.
This, essentially.
My guess, they’re bowing in respect to honored guests. It’s a custom in many non-Western cultures, particularly several East Asian cultures, for non-lords (Lady Moonlight counts as a “lord”) to bow to guests. Just another hint that monster culture is different from west
Thanks for elaberating Cass and The Phantom’s Belch
“Just because there’s snow on the rooftop doesn’t mean there isn’t fire in the furnace!”
Huh. And here I was pretty sure that the head of the Lady Monsters Guild and the head of the Dude Monsters Guild were going to be lovers.
Aw well, it’s not impossible. He’s certainly got the chin for it.
Heh… XD
I’m just spit balling here but if 1 of the younger guys( most likely the blue haired 1) chooses shadow as a suiter or something then that’ll be a good guess. Or she just reminds him of some1. Then I’ll be waaaay off on my guess.
But I mean honestly this page gives me nothing to really ask becuase it seems to be a start up for the next page.
Actually, I had to split the script for this page in two, because there’s a lot of subtle things I must work into the pages and there wasn’t room for everything without having about 12 tiny panels squished into one page, plus dialogue.
Will you ever do like an large page to show something shocking or big like marvel or dc comics
I may do the odd full-page spread for really, really important parts, but I try to keep everything in a consistently-sized page template.
for all you people thinking potential love interest
Back it up please
The blue haired one clearly looks old enough to be her dad or at least older brother
And all though I’ve yet to see more that look he gives shadow can mean a lot of things
(He’s her dad/brother, she reminds him of someone, or just general jackass condescending look)
Haha, people can think whatever they like until I give them more specific information. XD
first : I’ve read the back story,, so that means i have a general idea ” What ” might happen, but i keep an open mind (( and ask on certain things )) until the story is in ” print ” any thing might change.. think : Star Trek reboot,, same story different out come..
The day I have dreaded has finally arrived… and brings trouble I did not foresee. My heart is heavy with worry but my breath is heavy with anticipation. That’s right ladies and gentlemen. The rival for Tim has arrived bring the inevitable conflict.