#67 “Old Bones”
What the hell?! Monster MEN in my Monster Girl comic? Yes, believe it folks!
*EDIT* I fixed Lady Moonlight’s face in Panel 1, and ‘Blue guy’s’ face in Panel 7. Much better!
What the hell?! Monster MEN in my Monster Girl comic? Yes, believe it folks!
*EDIT* I fixed Lady Moonlight’s face in Panel 1, and ‘Blue guy’s’ face in Panel 7. Much better!
Ol’ Blue Goatee seems to have an eye for Shadow. Can’t really say I blame him, she’s adorable.
Isn’t she 10 at this point?
Yeah, she’s actually about 9 here.
Tim – 8
Shadow – 9
Midnight – 10
Nightmare – 14
Nightmare’s Friends – 14
Green Guy – 16
Lady Moonlight – 30
Ruth – 32
Thomas – 32
Blue Guy – 33
Lord Pax – 74
There’s a rough estimate at the characters current ages. (Add 10 years to get non-flashback ages.)
Never said she was sexy. Just an adorable little bedbug.
Borrowed time
Borrowed time
On borrowed time…
Three guys in the office,
On visit to Sister’s Hall,
Met by three lovely women—
Which one will the demons call?
Three demons at leisure,
Courtesy call in the night,
But one demon finds pleasure,
Flirting with the Lady Moonlight.
Which ones will the demons call?
Which ones will the demons call?
Three guys in the office,
Seems to Shadow so sublime.
Are they here for some purpose?
Is Shadow caught in a crime?
Borrowed time,
Borrowed time,
Borrowed time…
Which one will the demons call?
Which one will the demons call?
Three men in the office,
Making trouble over Tim?
What will come of this inquest?
Are things between them looking grim?
Over Tim,
Over Tim,
Over Tim…
—from “Three Coins in the Fountain,” the Four Aces. (I didn’t do one last week ’cause I was down with a cold.)
A tune by the Four Aces is it? No wonder I couldn’t make it work with Leon Russell’s Tulsa Time.
It was a hit movie theme back in the 1950s, too…
Ye gods! A song I actually have to dig up to listen to again so that I can remember how it goes?
Bravo man! Not many can do that anymore.
Well, I wasn’t that sure of the tune as I attempted it…found it later on YouTube and ran it again, but that was after the fact…
Loving the background for for the office.
Not quite sure what it is but something about the male monster faces seem a bit “off”…
And I concur with those who said before that this potential romantic rival must be eliminated. Possible with with lawnmower doused in vinegar…
Their faces are probably a bit off, as I’m still kinda learning them (and I suck, generally, at drawing men; thus a comic populated by women) so they should come together in time. Hopefully.
Any plans for page 69? That will be a milestone.
I’m curious about this too now…
Also with Valentines Day coming up on a Sunday are we going to get just a single pinup or a pinup and a comic? Or haven’t you figured out what the plan is yet? No pressure though just idle curiosity
Oh yeah… Valentine’s Day. Hadn’t even crossed my mind yet to be honest.
Well I have until page 77 scripted currently, and nothing particularly ground-breaking happens on page 69… but on page 70! Woooooo…!
Does Ric Flair show up? XD
Now I’m actually interested in seeing that. Get on it, Brandon.
Hey Brandon
First love your comic and can’t tell how much I hate to wait a whole week for it
And secondly I’ve been here people comment on how they’ve seen the “script”
Is this story based on something else or is it just some people close to you that
Have seen your story plot
second : there is a ” back story ” comic out there,, but Brandon DON’T like to talk about it,, i think he really would like if we forgot about it… sooo he dont like telling where it is any more
Eh? No there’s no other comic. This is the only comic I’ve done based on these characters. It in itself is filling in a lot of the backstory which the original story I wrote 3 years ago omitted. XD So far I haven’t even touched the original story’s plot arc, but I will eventually.
I already read both “the monster under my bed” and “the monster on my mind” so I have a feeling I know who both those guys are lol
hmm i wonder what the guy group does in this place? Also why do i get the feeling the blue haired dude might secretly be related to Shadow?
Thank you!!!!
Finally someone who thinks this way
Can anyone tell me where I can find Brandon’s original story and what format
It is in(book,E book, fanfic,??)
While I think we aren’t supposed to give direct links to the text version, you should be able to find it if you skim through the previous comments on the older comic.
From what I have gathered (I have not read the text version. yet?), the comic has already veered off from it.
Other than the first night, I actually haven’t begun to properly adapt the story events yet… so reading it will have basically all the spoilers for this. The comic is just fleshing out a lot of details the story skips over.
Uh-oh……Like what I was told, “The jig is up!!!” This should prove to be interesting; considering it’s now with a “human” in the mix.
Strange name, considering that Pax was the Roman goddess of peace.
Heh, yes, very strange!
I think that he blue hair male demon is midghnights dad
Could be? Who knows? XD
Oh cool. I kind of wondered what Lord Pax was like. It’s been a while, but I mostly remember him just being mentioned by others in the original story. Seems like a benevolent leader with just a hint of dirty old man
I’m also pretty sure I know who green and blue male guys both are. One of them is definitely bad news!
Yeah, Pax is only mentioned by name in the original, never actually seen, so this is a good opportunity to see what he’s like.
Dunno, for some reason he gives off a feeling of mixed evil Roman Senator and HIM from the ole PPG cartoon. =P
Why though? A mystery it is.
Shadow’s super cute again though. =D And lady Moonlight does look fetching with yon blush. XD
What is Shadow smiling about in panel 4?
I think she’s amused by MonsterMom’s faux-flirty antics.
Pretty much this.
Brandon you should make the next page super special cuz its 69th page of the comic and 69 is a (holy) good number
Yeah, I was wondering about there being monster guys.