#70 “The Good Girl”
Haha, whew… finally got this page finished. Remind me not to get knocked on my butt due to sickness for 2 days again for awhile!
Haha, whew… finally got this page finished. Remind me not to get knocked on my butt due to sickness for 2 days again for awhile!
Mortis knows something. Or at least understands something about her.
Mortis knows lots of things…
Mortis has a lot of rigor. Actually, sounds like you did, Brandon.
Hope you’re doing better.
It’s mostly passed now, I can at least see out both eyes clearly now, unlike yesterday. I am a bit chilly though… gotta curl up under some blankets.
Nice pun. I wonder if anyone else caught it.
I always look forward to a new page from this comic, came back here a few times today to check even, lol.
Hope you start feeling better.
Hope you feel better soon. February sickness is no fun at all.
Anyway the plot thickens…
Was it mentioned before that Shadow is a doorstop baby/ orphan?
Moonlight being all maternal like leads to some interesting images.
Yeah, back on the big info dump page that talks about geography and monster society and portals and such.
Something about the expression on Mortis face in the last panel and the way Pax says “good little girl” just….troubles me.
You aren’t the only one Sam. Be cautious, for I smell trouble brewing for our beloved shadow.
She seems a bit too eager to leave.
Haha, kinda. It’s also me saying “Alright, alright, let’s get this show moving!”
I said it before, Mortis doesn’t seem like a shifty bastard like Terminus, but if anything, he’s perceptive. He suspects something, and he’s highly wary; he’s aware of SOMETHING, he’s just unsure as to what. But it troubles him.
Also, if they split between their genders (unless that is only in their associated brother/sisterhoods, and there’s a combined society somewhere), how do families and such function, if they cannot be together save for more formal meetings and what not?
There are lots of families that are not a part of any guild, but people volunteer to join the guilds, because it is seen as a privilege or honour. Shadow does not have this option, she has been raised inside the guild her whole life.
Why so serious?
Poor Mortis. So close yet so far. I feel bad for him.
I’m guessing they were friends when they were younger, and either he told her he likes her and got rejected (or vice-versa) or they got separated due to business affairs.
Are you talking about Mortis and Moonlight or Pax and Moonlight? Pax is more than old enough to be Moonlight’s father, so I doubt he’s ever done more than flirt with her a little, like we saw a few pages ago. Also, this is apparently the first time Moonlight has met Mortis, since Pax introduced him to her.
…So, am I the only one kinda confused by this page?
Seems pretty straightforward to me, what are you confused about?
The emotional reactions of the characters.
You mean the last panel? Mortis obviously has some sort of interest in Shadow, we don’t know what yet. Given that they have pretty much the same skin tone, he might be her father, but we don’t really have any evidence yet. As for Shadow, she’s probably just wondering why Mortis keeps staring at her.
Ah, poor Mortis really looks like he’s hurting in that last panel. Can’t say I blame him for it though.
Right in the feels!
there is definitely something going on. That look that Mortis gave Shadow almost looks too heartbreaking. As if he knows who she really is. But, that’s just me speculating.
Something tells me there’s more into this. my “blood” is telling me something *wink*
Hmm, so Shadow was left on Mother Moonlight’s doorstep, huh? And Lord Mortis is looking at her almost like… he misses her. There are connection like thingies connecting in my brain!
You mean nerves
Or if you want to be more specific, neurons.
More like I’m jumping to conclusions