I’m also curious as to what Terminus is looking for.
I do like how he handles Nightmare here. Now to see if that is the move of a smart guy or of an equal jerk
Seriously, though, I think these two will cause a lot of problems for Shadow and Tim in the near and distant future, and probably cause them together.
Nightmare is obviously attracted to Terminus, and he knows it, so if he can use her for his own ends that’s being smart. Getting her into trouble would be a jerk. Having her get into trouble for his own ends is being smart and a jerk. The two forming a lasting partnership, however, is not out of the question, provided the two have compatible long-term goals.
I kinda see him as grooming her to be his partner-in-crime over the next few years; seeing the end result should be fun.
Ha, very humorous development here. Just one note of critique: in the middle panel all books in the right bookcase appear to be exactly the same height while those on the left are not. Idem with both cases in the fourth panel, you might want to change such a bit next time.
*reads your critique* Are you $@!% kidding me?! XD
You’ll wait even longer between pages if you want me to make every book a unique little snowflake every time… your lucky I take the time to draw individual books at all. °~°
It’s a series of books created by the Old Ones. Some detail the history of the underground, and some hold information gathered by their agents. Lol I like making stuff up.
That… Thats kinda ridiculous dude. Brandon manages to get out 1 amazing comic a week, on top of whatever he does for a living, and he does it ad free. I don’t think it matters that the books in one of the panels are the same height.
Also, take a look at the other panels. They have unique books.
This is true, I’ve finally reached that point where the plot can drift away completely from the two main characters in order to start building up the supporting cast, and setting new things in motion.
No… Well yes, but no. Exploitation Now was a webcomic that originally started as a gag a day type deal with two main characters… But then it sorta took an odd turn by becoming a much more serious comic revolving around what were originally two side characters. It was sorta lampshaded a few times that the original main characters were basically all but forgotten in favor of the villainous lesbian super genius and her main girl who was the youngest sister of one of the original main characters, who basically went on the run from a government conspiracy.
Ahhh, well, yeah… that won’t be happening here. There may be asides; in fact a guarantee there will be, but Tim and Shadow at the end of the day will always be the focus. And if they ever do step aside, it’ll be a natural progression where, hopefully, they are still viable characters in whatever plot is moving around in the universe they inhabit.
What I’m trying to get at is that someday (Some far away day!) I may decide to pull the ‘next generation’ card and shift the focus a bit to tell a new story… but Tim and Shadow will still be around and certainly never get pushed aside completely.
Explosions aplenty there were, also tentacle demons.
But its pretty much like fwtrump (glad to see another EN fan around) said, the supporting characters hijacked the comic by becoming more interesting/fun than the main.
I actually just spent the past few hours rereading the thing online and looking for the (poor quality) print books of it I got back in college.
I’m curious about what Terminus thinks “…the greatest problem of our age…” is. It will say a lot about him and monster society as a whole. I’m definitely enjoying this ride.
I understand that getting one page a week out is a lot of work, but it is totally your fault for making it so good that I want to read the next 5000 pages immediately
That’s easy – invent a craft that can travel at a significant fraction of the speed of light and you’ll experience time dilation (i.e time will slow down for you and the rest of the universe would seem to speed up). Alternatively, put yourself in a coma and the years fly by.
Well, you could always read one page a day or something… I tried that once with an old monthly comic I used to collect. XD Needless to say, I just ended up reading the whole thing in one day.
Thanks for the new page !
I’m also curious as to what Terminus is looking for.
I do like how he handles Nightmare here. Now to see if that is the move of a smart guy or of an equal jerk
Why can’t it be both?
Seriously, though, I think these two will cause a lot of problems for Shadow and Tim in the near and distant future, and probably cause them together.
Nightmare is obviously attracted to Terminus, and he knows it, so if he can use her for his own ends that’s being smart. Getting her into trouble would be a jerk. Having her get into trouble for his own ends is being smart and a jerk.
The two forming a lasting partnership, however, is not out of the question, provided the two have compatible long-term goals.
I kinda see him as grooming her to be his partner-in-crime over the next few years; seeing the end result should be fun.
How many years older is him over them? He is obviously older.
Yes, he is. He’s about 16 currently, and Nightmare is about 14.
Ah, jerk love. I’m sure they’ll have a wonderful time manipulating and using eachother.
We’ll see what they get up to soon enough! For better or worse…
Ha, very humorous development here. Just one note of critique: in the middle panel all books in the right bookcase appear to be exactly the same height while those on the left are not. Idem with both cases in the fourth panel, you might want to change such a bit next time.
Grrr… More waiting for the next page. =P
*reads your critique* Are you $@!% kidding me?! XD
You’ll wait even longer between pages if you want me to make every book a unique little snowflake every time… your lucky I take the time to draw individual books at all. °~°
It’s a series of books created by the Old Ones. Some detail the history of the underground, and some hold information gathered by their agents. Lol I like making stuff up.
…And now i can’t unsee it… jerk
That… Thats kinda ridiculous dude. Brandon manages to get out 1 amazing comic a week, on top of whatever he does for a living, and he does it ad free. I don’t think it matters that the books in one of the panels are the same height.
Also, take a look at the other panels. They have unique books.
I’m sure Brandon’s reaction was joking. Boomerang flash is a fan.
I feel there is not enough ‘tail action’ going on… I mean, only 3 on this page?
Yeah, I’m not really mad. Lol
Congratulations on putting it up closer to your official start time!
Now if we only knew what the greatest problem of our age was…
Masking tape that dries out and loses it’s stickiness. Truly the greatest problem of our time.
oooooh someone’s in the flirting zone ;3
Is he going to put her in the friendzone?
You’ll have to keep reading and find out!
Very nice page. Terminus seems quite scummy/manipulative yet still flirty. I think I hate him.
On a side note isn’t this the first page without either Tim or Shadow, or is it just too early in the morning for me to remember properly?
This is true, I’ve finally reached that point where the plot can drift away completely from the two main characters in order to start building up the supporting cast, and setting new things in motion.
Well hopefully you wont end up pulling an “Exploitation Now” on us. Should help that you aint flying by the seat of your pants with this comic.
…Then again EN was quite awesome.
I don’t know what that means, but I assume everything exploded.
No… Well yes, but no. Exploitation Now was a webcomic that originally started as a gag a day type deal with two main characters… But then it sorta took an odd turn by becoming a much more serious comic revolving around what were originally two side characters. It was sorta lampshaded a few times that the original main characters were basically all but forgotten in favor of the villainous lesbian super genius and her main girl who was the youngest sister of one of the original main characters, who basically went on the run from a government conspiracy.
Ahhh, well, yeah… that won’t be happening here. There may be asides; in fact a guarantee there will be, but Tim and Shadow at the end of the day will always be the focus. And if they ever do step aside, it’ll be a natural progression where, hopefully, they are still viable characters in whatever plot is moving around in the universe they inhabit.
What I’m trying to get at is that someday (Some far away day!) I may decide to pull the ‘next generation’ card and shift the focus a bit to tell a new story… but Tim and Shadow will still be around and certainly never get pushed aside completely.
Explosions aplenty there were, also tentacle demons.
But its pretty much like fwtrump (glad to see another EN fan around) said, the supporting characters hijacked the comic by becoming more interesting/fun than the main.
I actually just spent the past few hours rereading the thing online and looking for the (poor quality) print books of it I got back in college.
Somebody forgot to close an italic tag.
Apparently my self-censored profanity inadvertently caused it.
I’m curious about what Terminus thinks “…the greatest problem of our age…” is. It will say a lot about him and monster society as a whole. I’m definitely enjoying this ride.
Why monsters are no longer scaring people? Why monsters fall for humans?
Who keeps stealing my lunch out of the refrigerator?!
It’s an interesting idea, I think.
I’m all for parkour but no asses are allowed to drop to the floor *mic drop*
Hee hee, Monster flirting. I can’t wait to see where this leads
To monster frolicking, obviously!
Well, of course that’s obvious. What’s less obvious is the intensity of said frolicking
Hopefully it leads to a nude adult Nightmare pic one day.
Some heavy metal, +Giant robots with laser eyes style intense.
I understand that getting one page a week out is a lot of work, but it is totally your fault for making it so good that I want to read the next 5000 pages immediately
Sorry! It’s a major problem! XD
That’s easy – invent a craft that can travel at a significant fraction of the speed of light and you’ll experience time dilation (i.e time will slow down for you and the rest of the universe would seem to speed up). Alternatively, put yourself in a coma and the years fly by.
Oh boy! Next page the library gets defiled?!
They rearrange all the books in reverse alphabetical order!
Are they daft?! Everyone knows the graphic novels and manga go first. Anything with no pictures can go into the pile for burning. Tax law first.
This does bring up an interesting subject. Did they learn to read English / other languages?
“What Is the Dewey Decimal System?”
It’s a shame that this isn’t long enough to make it all the way to Sunday. It has gotten so good too.
Well, you could always read one page a day or something… I tried that once with an old monthly comic I used to collect. XD Needless to say, I just ended up reading the whole thing in one day.