Awesome job like always brandon , and did u know that u posted this in the day of norooz which is iranians new year? Ur work was the best gift for me ty
What I mean is when it does jump there is usually no indication as such. For example at first I didn’t know we jumped back to the ‘older characters era’ and I thought this was directly after the end of Chapter 2, thats why I was confused why everyone looked older all of a sudden and Shadow was talking about feeling nostalgia about a robe that wouldn’t be old at all if it was the other era. There was really no indication what time we were in. See what I mean?
I don’t remember where I found this comic, but instantly I fell in love. The story is great and the character design and development is fantastic. Your art design is also a gift to my eyes. Thank you for being awesome and now Sunday is the best day.
We really wanna go
To see the striptease show
Inside the changing room in use by these ma’amselles,
And see again those super-naked demon girls,
Au naturel.
It’s been some little bit
Since this fringe benefit,
The thing that brought in such a loyal clientele.
But our Midnight and our Shadow now appear
Au naturel.
We remember Tim, a-working his computer, and
This Shadow girl was cuter
On attack.
Who knew she’d settle for some cookies for a snack?
And everything was jake-ed,
‘Cause we got to see her naked
We haven’t quite outworn
The budding soft-pore corn
With humor set within materiel.
But there’s been plenty more to see this week,
Au naturel.
—from “My Hometwon,” Tom Lehrer. [Completed despite severe computer problems this week—updating to Windows 10 was so not worth it.]
Actually, Brandon, I upgraded to Windows 10 and, even though I still don’t like Windows, it’s better than the 8.1 that came with my computer. I still prefer Linux over Windows but, since I’m still paying for my computer, I’ll keep it on it until I get everything cleared on my computer.
Oh, I like Windows 10 just fine, better than Windows 8—it’s on this laptop I just got a couple months ago, and ’cause I liked it I decided to update—but it’s been one problem after another ever since the update, blank screens, frozen screens, strange error messages, worries about my files…
I’m working through this laptop for now, till my new tower desktop thing arrives—should’a arrived yesterday,but the UPS left a “we missed you” note, which mystifies me ’cause I was home all day—but a laptop isn’t as satisfactory a thing to work with than a desktop, at least for me. (I got it to write a diary; I’ve been keeping one for a long time but a recent perusal showed me that I can’t read my own handwriting.)
Go on ignoring the popup—just get the upgrade when you get a new computer.
By the way…new computers are almost as much trouble as old ones. The one I ordered came yesterday; I opened it up this morning and tried to get it going…and found it doesn’t have the right plug and I don’t have the right cable to hook up my monitor. Never occurred to me that they’d make a change, or have a model that wouldn’t have what I thought was basic hardware…
So I’ve got two computers that don’t work and a laptop that does, till I can get a new cable or adapter…
has any one ever wonder what it be like to break someone’s bones. (note: Just wondering, I’d never actually do it unless it was animal bones from the butchers or a gel dummy)
Will you ever upload faster than once a week, or like not ever week, then release in chunks?
Probably not. I’m in no hurry to burn myself out.
i guess im just getting impatient for some more story
Finally midnight gets some decent exposure. Thank you!
Pun intended?
I know right!
Awesome job like always brandon , and did u know that u posted this in the day of norooz which is iranians new year? Ur work was the best gift for me ty
Huh. You’re welcome! I learned something new today! Yay!
Just had a thought! This story is like Monster Inc., but instead of making humans laugh…
Hey Brandon was there a timeskip between the end of Chapter 2 and the start of this one? If so by how much?
It’s just going back and forth between the same 2 times. XD
Well tbh its hard to tell what time every page is set in since it jumps around so much.
It’s only been the ‘present’ for 8 pages out of 75… XD
What I mean is when it does jump there is usually no indication as such. For example at first I didn’t know we jumped back to the ‘older characters era’ and I thought this was directly after the end of Chapter 2, thats why I was confused why everyone looked older all of a sudden and Shadow was talking about feeling nostalgia about a robe that wouldn’t be old at all if it was the other era. There was really no indication what time we were in. See what I mean?
I figured them looking older and talking about future stuff would be enough to get the point across. XD
Well I mean I just figured there was another timeskip.
I have to say that I like that even monsters have realistic body proportions.
I don’t remember where I found this comic, but instantly I fell in love. The story is great and the character design and development is fantastic. Your art design is also a gift to my eyes. Thank you for being awesome and now Sunday is the best day.
Thank you! XD
I will need to keep this in mind for further review.. for science of course.
I don’t know why people have a telling Past from Present
I may have to go back and fit in some more obvious captions for people. This is an ongoing problem that never seems to end.
I just don’t know where I’m going to stick them, because sometimes I just didn’t leave myself much room…
nah, it just seems to be people that aren’t really paying attention. the ones that do pay attention get it easy enough.
Name one of the panels “POTDAD COMMANDED IT” because i’ll feel all special
What about colour for marking the past? Put a pink tint on the past or something?
Personally, tho, I kind of dont need it, cus of the tits. Tits: present. No tits: past.
I already have tints established between the human/monster world (blue/purple), so adding that on top would just be screwy at this point.
I dunno how to feel about adult shadow but DAMN midnight you’re my kinda monster!
We really wanna go
To see the striptease show
Inside the changing room in use by these ma’amselles,
And see again those super-naked demon girls,
Au naturel.
It’s been some little bit
Since this fringe benefit,
The thing that brought in such a loyal clientele.
But our Midnight and our Shadow now appear
Au naturel.
We remember Tim, a-working his computer, and
This Shadow girl was cuter
On attack.
Who knew she’d settle for some cookies for a snack?
And everything was jake-ed,
‘Cause we got to see her naked
We haven’t quite outworn
The budding soft-pore corn
With humor set within materiel.
But there’s been plenty more to see this week,
Au naturel.
—from “My Hometwon,” Tom Lehrer. [Completed despite severe computer problems this week—updating to Windows 10 was so not worth it.]
I’ve been trying my best to ignore that SOB pop-up for months now. I do not want Windows 10 until it is forced on me by default.
Actually, Brandon, I upgraded to Windows 10 and, even though I still don’t like Windows, it’s better than the 8.1 that came with my computer. I still prefer Linux over Windows but, since I’m still paying for my computer, I’ll keep it on it until I get everything cleared on my computer.
Oh, I like Windows 10 just fine, better than Windows 8—it’s on this laptop I just got a couple months ago, and ’cause I liked it I decided to update—but it’s been one problem after another ever since the update, blank screens, frozen screens, strange error messages, worries about my files…
I’m working through this laptop for now, till my new tower desktop thing arrives—should’a arrived yesterday,but the UPS left a “we missed you” note, which mystifies me ’cause I was home all day—but a laptop isn’t as satisfactory a thing to work with than a desktop, at least for me. (I got it to write a diary; I’ve been keeping one for a long time but a recent perusal showed me that I can’t read my own handwriting.)
Go on ignoring the popup—just get the upgrade when you get a new computer.
By the way…new computers are almost as much trouble as old ones. The one I ordered came yesterday; I opened it up this morning and tried to get it going…and found it doesn’t have the right plug and I don’t have the right cable to hook up my monitor. Never occurred to me that they’d make a change, or have a model that wouldn’t have what I thought was basic hardware…
So I’ve got two computers that don’t work and a laptop that does, till I can get a new cable or adapter…
has any one ever wonder what it be like to break someone’s bones. (note: Just wondering, I’d never actually do it unless it was animal bones from the butchers or a gel dummy)
Nope… this disturbs me.
You and me both, Brandon. You and me both.
also has anyone made a minecraft skin from one of the comic a characters yet and if someone did would you sue them brandon
I wouldn’t know or care, to be honest.
That seemed like an odd question, didn’t it?