As they say love is blind but it’s not deth and it can definatly taste you cooking. Well played Brandon a few more thrilling moments like this may just join your patreons. Thou I’ll likly break down and do it anyhow I’m a sucker for a good webcomic artist. Prehaps one day in the future I’ll be throwing money to get your first collective book of the comic.
Really? It’s the first kiss for both of them? I’m just surprised that Shadow even considered putting her tongue in his mouth. I do love the reactions though. LOL.
Where did this come from???? Meh, both are I’ve played the originals and the newer releases. I’d love to get my hands on the latest releases of both. If you ever get around to playing either, let us know what they’re like. You could even have Tim play it.
Doom it definatly my choice wolfenstien went alittle off the deep end in the last few games. Not to mention the latest Doom game totaly rock the house. Thou I have infact Read the Books the original is based on after book 2 it goes way in to left field.
Not what I was hoping will happen but maybe there will be a pay off later? But after this, I’m surprised they ever bother to try again. And will they address that she is sitting on him?
Btw, was hopeing for a slow cool down, not a crash and burn.
Crazy, crazy, what you just tried to do.
Might be hazy, since you don’t have a clue.
It could be wrong to disparage.
It might just lead to marriage.
It’s indiscreet but kinda sweet,
In a life-cycle just for two.
Icky, icky, swapping saliva goo.
Pretty tricky, kissing is too brand-new.
But so many things are grosser,
It might just bring you closer.
Another kiss might bring you bliss,
In a life-cycle just for two.
Timmy, Timmy, don’t let this make you blue.
Don’t act prim-ly, buck-up you buckaroo.
Don’t let this experience strike it.
You might just get to like it.
You can depend, you’ll try again,
In a life-cycle just for two
Shadow, Shadow, take a new point of view.
Show bravahdo, see that you see it through.
You don’t need to think about it,
Although right now you doubt it.
But one more chance might lead to romance
In a life-cycle just for two.
Just the reaction to expect from kids. Good thing her teeth stayed out of the way, Tim would have had a hard time explaining the marks on his lips to his mother.
well what do you expect they still just kids
Good point.
It’s grodie!
Especially for pre-pubescents. LOL.
“Kids today…so desensitized by movies and television…”
LOL! And again, we’re reminded that they’re just adorable little kidlettes.
Haha, I think it’s good to remind folks every once in awhile. It really cuts down on the ‘When are they gonna screw?’ questions.
A little, anyway.
They’ll do it in a few years though right? The two are just too cute together to break their paths
Sure, they are obviously kissing in the future. On the 2nd and 3rd page, even.
That’s true, completely forgot that, which reminds me I should do a reread, thanks for the amazing webcomic Brandon
As they say love is blind but it’s not deth and it can definatly taste you cooking. Well played Brandon a few more thrilling moments like this may just join your patreons. Thou I’ll likly break down and do it anyhow I’m a sucker for a good webcomic artist. Prehaps one day in the future I’ll be throwing money to get your first collective book of the comic.
I suppose it didn’t occur to either of them to stick a tongue right down a throat…
No, not really. XD
Really? It’s the first kiss for both of them? I’m just surprised that Shadow even considered putting her tongue in his mouth. I do love the reactions though. LOL.
hey brandon Doom or wolfenstien
Well, I’ve never played a Wolfenstein game before… so I suppose it has to be DOOM by default, right?
both… Both is good.!!
Where did this come from???? Meh, both are I’ve played the originals and the newer releases. I’d love to get my hands on the latest releases of both. If you ever get around to playing either, let us know what they’re like. You could even have Tim play it.
BJ’s got nothing on the Doom Slayer.
Doom it definatly my choice wolfenstien went alittle off the deep end in the last few games. Not to mention the latest Doom game totaly rock the house. Thou I have infact Read the Books the original is based on after book 2 it goes way in to left field.
Not what I was hoping will happen but maybe there will be a pay off later? But after this, I’m surprised they ever bother to try again. And will they address that she is sitting on him?
Btw, was hopeing for a slow cool down, not a crash and burn.
Also.. where is the facebook link?
Maybe she should ask someone who has more experience in this type of situation.
or both should?
Hey, wasn’t this how EEEEEVERYONE’S first kiss went as kids???
Not everyone’s, mine we just kept finding excuses to dash around and kiss each other
Crazy, crazy, what you just tried to do.
Might be hazy, since you don’t have a clue.
It could be wrong to disparage.
It might just lead to marriage.
It’s indiscreet but kinda sweet,
In a life-cycle just for two.
Icky, icky, swapping saliva goo.
Pretty tricky, kissing is too brand-new.
But so many things are grosser,
It might just bring you closer.
Another kiss might bring you bliss,
In a life-cycle just for two.
Timmy, Timmy, don’t let this make you blue.
Don’t act prim-ly, buck-up you buckaroo.
Don’t let this experience strike it.
You might just get to like it.
You can depend, you’ll try again,
In a life-cycle just for two
Shadow, Shadow, take a new point of view.
Show bravahdo, see that you see it through.
You don’t need to think about it,
Although right now you doubt it.
But one more chance might lead to romance
In a life-cycle just for two.
—from “A Bicycle Built for Two,” Hal 9000.
Hahaha~! Too kewt as usual, though… pfahahaa~! So silly.
Romance or not, kids are still just kids.
Just the reaction to expect from kids. Good thing her teeth stayed out of the way, Tim would have had a hard time explaining the marks on his lips to his mother.
Where are the prisons located in Shadow’s monster world?
In the dungeons.
Possibly the preferred habitat for some mad scientist or two? Would be a good side story…