You know, I’ve seen a couple people wonder what they’re kids would look like, but I’m wondering if their different biology would even allow her to bear his child. Care to fill us in?
that would be a venue to see, alternate species biology is usually interesting, but i don’t think we’ve seen enough of her kind to really have that sort of thing revealed yet. I think we can assume from the initial pages that there are some number of similarities to human with her, though it could just as easily be thatlove conquered differences and he’s happy regardless….. sorry rambling
Well, Brandon could come up with something different, but these are ways I’ve seen cross species mating handled before.
Cross-breeding cannot occur. Pregnancy is impossible.
Cross-breeding occurs and the offspring has visible aspects from both parents.
Cross-breeding occurs, but the offspring appears to be a normal member of one parental group or the other. In this case, the child usually reflects the parent of that gender. That is, if Brandon goes this way, cross-breeding between Shadow and Tim would result in girl ‘monsters’ and boy humans.
Or Brandon could choose to do something entirely different.
Come on, They are in their early 20s when they aren’t in flashback arcs! I would think Tim is smart enough to assume nothing and wear protection. That said, a future arc could explore them ‘trying’ and running into difficulties, which could add some strain to their otherwise healthy relationship, especially for Shadow, who may desperately want to be with Tim in that way, and be faced with the prospect of being forced to seek a surrogate male Noxian donor to have a child, not a decision to be taken lightly, as I doubt Nox has much in the way of IVF technology…
Theres alot of assuming going on but then again no ones assuming that maby it already has happened. I mean what happen to Lady “BlackHeart” hmm? Oh the drama what will happen guess we will have to keep wondering?
I found out about your comic about 15 pages ago from a reddit thread. Well, guess I wasn’t left disappointed, huh I really enjoy the amount of effort you put into small details, however now I feel paranoid, because I don’t know whether there are more ‘easter eggs’ in this comic than the ones that are often discussed around in this place…
The story and the theme makes a lot of sense for me so far, for which I fancy it quite a lot, but one thing simply rubs me the wrong way, that being the aegis. So far what I’ve learned from the comments section is that it is, in layman’s terms, a ‘fear meter’ used for ‘bragging rights’. The question that comes to my mind is, “why were they doing this in the first place?”. Since you, Brandon, have mentioned it doesn’t work like in Monsters Inc., then how did it become what is seen in present time?
Taking from what is known: that Noxians are at least adept at wizardry, and apparently ‘feel good’ from sensing human fear, I would make a further hypothesis that, perhaps, human pheromones are, in some way, are a part of their metabolism, explaining why their species have evolved to become frightening to humans. it could be a non-integral part, but a way to boost one’s powers, which explains why Mother Moonlight’s attire consists of multiple aegises. Although it still really is a a Monsters, Inc. -ish explanation, it somewhat clarifies to me why Shadow returned back to Tim after the day 1 incident. After all she had an internal struggle before coming back, though it’s likely due to a conflict between her curiosity and risk mitigation, but maybe it is also because of Tim’s fear causing strong addiction. All I want to say is, ‘improving mood’ should not, at least in my eyes, be the only reason why Noxians visit human world. Or maybe it’s just like dopamine for them; it’s not really for me to decide – maybe I’m just reading too much into this.
All I’m saying is, regardless of why Shadow is doing it, I can barely contain my patience to find all of my answers on the panels themselves
Now after a shower, a new theory just sprung up in my head!
After all this babble, the answer might me very *simple*. Who were Noxians before they discovered humans? Are they are eldritch horrors that manifest themselves in the material plane as humanoids, and since it is impossible for us to conceive their ‘true form’, Brandon always depicts them in our ‘spectrum’ of reality.
What drove them to this plane of existence? Emotions. It is possible that they did not have them before, initially they were mad and uncivilized. After tasting humanity, however, they were able to form factions and became more tempered and fully sentient. In order to retain their current form they possess an aegis, which gives them an ability to sympathize and work together. However, factions rival against each other, due to the difficulty of obtaining the required resource. I think someone in their is planning a sabotage, hmm who that might be…
Hey! Just found your comic and so far enjoying the story a lot. Love the sweetness and the plot shows a lot of promise. Did have one question though. Did you ever explain how fear energy is collected and used beyond what could be guessed after watching Monster’s Inc.? Guessing a normal monster would just get a kid worrying there’s something under the bed while she let’s the aegis doohickey soak up the fear vibes?
Also bet you could do this safe for work if you wanted. Sex sells, but you got talent. Of course… then we wouldn’t have gotten to see the captain, so pretty happy with this. What’s your favorite part of making the webcomic?
Well, there’s been a lot of over-speculation on the fear collecting front the past few days apparently. XD
Honestly, the Aegises are just a ranking method that the guilds use to determine how well their members are doing, that just happen to be built directly into a clan insignia. I never really thought about it much more than that.
Interesting and not at all disappointing word to hear! I was just trying to use known information as clues to theorize a possible origin story for a peculiar parallel world of yours. There are definitely many ways to go about explaining it, but the shape-shifting essence-extracting one got attached to my head like a lice, and I couldn’t resist scratching it off and sending it into the wild. I also find it strenuous to understand how Noxians have similar body structure to humans, from non-artistic standpoint.
Just to clarify, it has never been my intention to force an idea down anyone’s throat It’s just that the torturing amount time it takes to wait for another page generates brainfart waves that spread across the vast expanse of the interwebs. Nonsense apart, I thank you, Brandon, for taking the effort and sharing your hobby project. With your work, I have ever-expanding material to contemplate on, for which I can never be ungrateful.
Getting off the speculation of what Tim and Shadow’s possible rugrats would look like and such like-we all know Brandon won’t give up any details, not even under the threat of forcing him to listen to hours of Justin Bieber’s music.
Instead, I’d like to suggest a new cheesecake pic that can replace Mom’s cheesecake shot on the voting rewards page. Can we get a pic of Mother Moonlight in the all together?
Hey just wanted to say love your comics and donated some money to you so you can keep this UP! Thanks for keeping us updated and talking to your fans!
Thank you very much! It’s really no problem when you enjoy the work.
Ahh hahahaha classic
You know, I’ve seen a couple people wonder what they’re kids would look like, but I’m wondering if their different biology would even allow her to bear his child. Care to fill us in?
Hehe nope.
Well, I guess we’ll find out in due time. Or not, your choice.
that would be a venue to see, alternate species biology is usually interesting, but i don’t think we’ve seen enough of her kind to really have that sort of thing revealed yet. I think we can assume from the initial pages that there are some number of similarities to human with her, though it could just as easily be thatlove conquered differences and he’s happy regardless….. sorry rambling
Oh, come on Brandon! Fill us in! Or, at least, show us more of Tim filling Nightshade in… XD
*Shadow. darn it, brain, work!
Well, Brandon could come up with something different, but these are ways I’ve seen cross species mating handled before.
Cross-breeding cannot occur. Pregnancy is impossible.
Cross-breeding occurs and the offspring has visible aspects from both parents.
Cross-breeding occurs, but the offspring appears to be a normal member of one parental group or the other. In this case, the child usually reflects the parent of that gender. That is, if Brandon goes this way, cross-breeding between Shadow and Tim would result in girl ‘monsters’ and boy humans.
Or Brandon could choose to do something entirely different.
Come on, They are in their early 20s when they aren’t in flashback arcs! I would think Tim is smart enough to assume nothing and wear protection. That said, a future arc could explore them ‘trying’ and running into difficulties, which could add some strain to their otherwise healthy relationship, especially for Shadow, who may desperately want to be with Tim in that way, and be faced with the prospect of being forced to seek a surrogate male Noxian donor to have a child, not a decision to be taken lightly, as I doubt Nox has much in the way of IVF technology…
Theres alot of assuming going on but then again no ones assuming that maby it already has happened. I mean what happen to Lady “BlackHeart” hmm? Oh the drama what will happen guess we will have to keep wondering?
What recreation does Monsterworld have?
CUT!!! That’s why it’s called ACTING
Now once again from the top…and Action.
Loved it. Somehow made me visit first stips..

I found out about your comic about 15 pages ago from a reddit thread. Well, guess I wasn’t left disappointed, huh
I really enjoy the amount of effort you put into small details, however now I feel paranoid, because I don’t know whether there are more ‘easter eggs’ in this comic than the ones that are often discussed around in this place…
The story and the theme makes a lot of sense for me so far, for which I fancy it quite a lot, but one thing simply rubs me the wrong way, that being the aegis. So far what I’ve learned from the comments section is that it is, in layman’s terms, a ‘fear meter’ used for ‘bragging rights’. The question that comes to my mind is, “why were they doing this in the first place?”. Since you, Brandon, have mentioned it doesn’t work like in Monsters Inc., then how did it become what is seen in present time?
Taking from what is known: that Noxians are at least adept at wizardry, and apparently ‘feel good’ from sensing human fear, I would make a further hypothesis that, perhaps, human pheromones are, in some way, are a part of their metabolism, explaining why their species have evolved to become frightening to humans. it could be a non-integral part, but a way to boost one’s powers, which explains why Mother Moonlight’s attire consists of multiple aegises. Although it still really is a a Monsters, Inc. -ish explanation, it somewhat clarifies to me why Shadow returned back to Tim after the day 1 incident. After all she had an internal struggle before coming back, though it’s likely due to a conflict between her curiosity and risk mitigation, but maybe it is also because of Tim’s fear causing strong addiction. All I want to say is, ‘improving mood’ should not, at least in my eyes, be the only reason why Noxians visit human world. Or maybe it’s just like dopamine for them; it’s not really for me to decide – maybe I’m just reading too much into this.
All I’m saying is, regardless of why Shadow is doing it, I can barely contain my patience to find all of my answers on the panels themselves
Now after a shower, a new theory just sprung up in my head!
After all this babble, the answer might me very *simple*. Who were Noxians before they discovered humans? Are they are eldritch horrors that manifest themselves in the material plane as humanoids, and since it is impossible for us to conceive their ‘true form’, Brandon always depicts them in our ‘spectrum’ of reality.
What drove them to this plane of existence? Emotions. It is possible that they did not have them before, initially they were mad and uncivilized. After tasting humanity, however, they were able to form factions and became more tempered and fully sentient. In order to retain their current form they possess an aegis, which gives them an ability to sympathize and work together. However, factions rival against each other, due to the difficulty of obtaining the required resource. I think someone in their is planning a sabotage, hmm who that might be…
Hey! Just found your comic and so far enjoying the story a lot. Love the sweetness and the plot shows a lot of promise. Did have one question though. Did you ever explain how fear energy is collected and used beyond what could be guessed after watching Monster’s Inc.? Guessing a normal monster would just get a kid worrying there’s something under the bed while she let’s the aegis doohickey soak up the fear vibes?
Also bet you could do this safe for work if you wanted. Sex sells, but you got talent. Of course… then we wouldn’t have gotten to see the captain, so pretty happy with this. What’s your favorite part of making the webcomic?
Well, there’s been a lot of over-speculation on the fear collecting front the past few days apparently. XD
Honestly, the Aegises are just a ranking method that the guilds use to determine how well their members are doing, that just happen to be built directly into a clan insignia. I never really thought about it much more than that.
Interesting and not at all disappointing word to hear! I was just trying to use known information as clues to theorize a possible origin story for a peculiar parallel world of yours. There are definitely many ways to go about explaining it, but the shape-shifting essence-extracting one got attached to my head like a lice, and I couldn’t resist scratching it off and sending it into the wild. I also find it strenuous to understand how Noxians have similar body structure to humans, from non-artistic standpoint.
Just to clarify, it has never been my intention to force an idea down anyone’s throat It’s just that the torturing amount time it takes to wait for another page generates brainfart waves that spread across the vast expanse of the interwebs. Nonsense apart, I thank you, Brandon, for taking the effort and sharing your hobby project. With your work, I have ever-expanding material to contemplate on, for which I can never be ungrateful.
Hahaha this went from adorable to hilarious xD love it keep up the amazing work Brandon
If I ever get a source of reliable income I will definitely become a patreon. Till then I’ll just have to suffer and enjoy your work for free
Haha, no problem. It’s only if you REALLY want to.
eh, they’ll get used to it.
Ah! First times are always the best :3 I’m glad to be back and caught up again! I still can not get over how much i love this comic! Thx Brandon
I love these. How often do you post them?
Every Sunday!
Man I’d touch her tongue all day every day.
When she is older. Right now I’d feed her pop tarts and tell her to go watch cartoons or something.
lol come on now admit it at some point you would do both.
Getting off the speculation of what Tim and Shadow’s possible rugrats would look like and such like-we all know Brandon won’t give up any details, not even under the threat of forcing him to listen to hours of Justin Bieber’s music.
Instead, I’d like to suggest a new cheesecake pic that can replace Mom’s cheesecake shot on the voting rewards page. Can we get a pic of Mother Moonlight in the all together?
Yes, I was thinking it was just about that time myself. We’ll see who pops out.
Watch it be Pax…