#88 “The Missing Mother”
Well now, it looks like Lady Blackheart has really stepped up to live up to her adopted mantle of “Missing”… Welp, I’m sure she’ll turn up again sometime or another!
See an exclusive new head design for upcoming “Something Stunning!” adult Shadow? Only for Patrons!
Passively browsing the comments just now, it (finally?) occurred to me that if Lady Blackheart _is_ Ruth, then that’d make Shadow & Tim step-siblings. Perhaps I’m wrong but it seems to me that (taking into account the first scene/mini-arc in the comic) it is unlikely that Lady Blackheart & Ruth are one and the same. Well, now I have a new reason to wait for the next update… so that I can say “Back to reading, ONWARDS to an uncertain future!” (After all, I’ve ready this page already).
Lady Blackheart isn’t Shadow’s literal mother, she WAS the Guild’s High-Mother before Lady Moonlight took over after she vanished. That’s why she is called the missing mother.
That’s good news at least. Tim and Shadow won’t be doing impressions of Riff Raff and Magenta.
It’s just a jump to the left…
Dammit Janet
So other parts of the comment, you’re not denying?
I don’t actually know why we all here are trying to get this revelations out of you even if we would all have be en dissapointed to find it out before we’ll actually see it in the comic. You included. I guess patience is underrated… and rare:\
Generally, I consider most of the modern internet generation to not have much patience. A lot of times it seems a lot of people just want things “right now!”
Because the internet has spoiled people.
Thou shalt not deny, though, that while one comic page weekly might be a great progress for a solo artist, it certainly is not enough, even if (and especially if) you judge by the XX century standards. This must be the main reason for people to get impatient with the story (and totally not illuminati internet brainwashing).
Lady Blackheart isn’t Shadow’s literal mother, she WAS the Guild’s High-Mother before Lady Moonlight took over after she vanished. That’s why she is called the missing mother.
well that theory has been shot in the head then
Maybe is Lady Blackheart is really Tim’s second cousin, twice removed, neighbors babysitter, …
Ahh, Spaceballs, how we love thee so.
I have been reading through, re-reading the start of the story as well as the author’s own comments back then, and I am personally satisfied that they are one and the same
Deductions and hypothesis from there:
– 1) Being who she is, of course she would know when her son is visited, accounting for her dialog today.
– 2) She can take human form, therefore she is likely to be Tim’s biological mother, making him half-monster and under a similar disguise, probably a spell cast by her.
– 3) Things can get VERY interesting VERY quickly from there, when she drops the pretense and reveal it to her son xD
In addition to my earlier post. I was thinking that: a) she approves of Shadow, and b) they will both need to know; therefore she will probably get them both together, drop the human disguise in front of them, and let Shadow explain…
So… If Tim’s mother is a monster… why would he look human? Nah, I think we’re being fooled around with here.
Maybe every human has a monster counterpart, Fairy Tail Style, Edolas Arc.
Well… if it is Tim’s mother, she obviously has the means of disguising herself.
Not only that, but it’s not too far of a stretch to believe a similar magic could have been FORCED on Tim as an infant, concealing his features from the world and himself.
There are multiple ways to interpret the possibility that Blackheart might be Tim’s mom. We don’t have enough evidence yet to say what that might be. Even the stories don’t say, really.
Note that good authors often plan the rules of their world and people far in advance. There is no guarantee that we will ever learn them.
Are you implying that I don’t plan out rules? XD
You should see my notes.
*Steal notes and reads them* this just says “mess with the readers head” …..and in small print “need cat food”
Nah, you must have read that wrong. I don’t have any cats!
Probably Tims looks work based on simple male/female genes. If mother is demon then only doughter would show demon blood on the outside and boy would only have some residue power or no changes at all and wise wersa…
I’m thinking the reason Tim is an only child is his parents didn’t want to risk having another child who might not be “normal” looking.
Here’s a theory. Maybe Tim’s adopted. Maybe humans and monsters can’t breed, so they adopted a child instead.
i like that theory! except that he looks a little to like his parents for that to be obvious, but still possible! I’m throwing around a few ideas in my head at the moment, don’t want to speculate too much though, just enjoying the ride
“ur adopted”
darude – sandstorm
What are you listening to right now?
That’s gotta be tim’s mother!!!
Well, they do have the same mole…
But is it the SAME mole?
I’m confused… How can it not be the same beauty mark?
It might be two separate beauty marks, on two separate ladies, whom both just happen to have them in the same spot.
In your original story…..but you’ve deviated a lot from the original.
I haven’t started adapting the original story yet.
This is all prequel so far.
I winked but now my far fetched theory may be it.
I like how it says Howdy in the top right of the page, that’s the day to day greeting I use, it makes me feel welcomed, #PotdadsTiredThoughts
Oh, the fan theories in the discussion of an ongoing plot, and wishing to prove them is not to be mistaken for impatience… Just like the old days.
Ha, no no, that’s not what I’m talking about. Theories are great! I love those. It’s just a general feeling that impatience seems to rule the day. At least I know people like it when I’m accused of creating cliff-hangers every week.
Really, I’m just putting a page break at the appropriate times in a larger conversation.
So, coming up on the 4th of july weekend, makes me wonder if Shadow has ever seen fireworks and how she would react to popping out from under Tims bed to the sound of explosions in the sky.
Hope everyone out there has a safe and happy 4th weekend! Including you Brandon, dont feel pressured to deliver a new page!
Did anyone else notice on the previous page that Lady Blackhearts’s Aegis appeared to be scratched or damaged?
Bastille Day in less then 2 weeks!! Can’t wait.
Brandon, (don’t take me wrong) do you like when people speculate, discuss and quarrel to each other about unexplained (yet) plot details (like Lady BH/Tim’s mother, aegides, tails’ tip etc.) and the only person who knows everything gives evasive aswers ?? Does it make you feel like a boss ?? XP
Of course I enjoy all the speculation! What creator doesn’t like to see people actually get involved in their worlds? XD
And yes, I smile, knowing that I could easily lay everything out for you all with a single post here; but again, that would be foolish to give away all the answers. It undercuts the potential wow factor of the eventual pay-off!
So yes, I sit here feeling like a boss, biding my time and holding all the cards.