#89 “Whispers”
Well now, it seems word is getting around that there’s a new player in town, for better or worse!
PATREON Support the Comic for $1.00?
Well now, it seems word is getting around that there’s a new player in town, for better or worse!
PATREON Support the Comic for $1.00?
Also, that moment when your friend tells you the rumours about you doing something good with a wry expression, but they’re actually surprised it’s true.
Yeah, those pesky rumours, eh? XD
Liking Shadow’s expression in the last panel saying “seriously? What the f***.”
So true no one can deny it XD
I’m expecting Shadow to reply, “Ti- My distraction gives me lots of advice on how to scare humans.”
Except Midnight knows, so it wouldn’t make much sense for her to hide it in such a secluded area.
She was warned to be careful by a legend and Nightmare overheard her conversation with Mother.
Next week Midnight’s cogs will really start turning…
From Zero to Hero, hey Shadow ?
I doubt we’ll be breaking into any musical numbers anytime soon, but it seems that way.
Is it just me, or is this artist getting better and better? Used to come in the hope of tits, maybe story. Today means I’m coming back for art, also.
Without a good story, well written and with good characterisation, the other things don’t matter.
And yet, there is a certain amount of folks who would rather I sacrifice all of that for just tits every week. XD
Boobies are nice, but there is such a thing as overkill.
Thank you!
it might just be me but i dont like this week’s style. i like last week better.
It’s the same style? What? XD
Love it! The expressions of them on this side are amazing! See you next Sunday on the next page
Such a great friend you are, Middy
I know, right?
They clearly have no bones in their tails. lol
Not having a bone in their tail is correct,
but perhaps they got a single thin, more flexible type of bone in their tail.
Kinda like the bone part that gives your nose its distinct shape.
..gristle.. or cartilage..
I imagine it is built with an internal structure kinda like a snake.
woot timing…
“Vote of confidence.” That sort of parliamentary maneuver has a role in their world, or have they picked up slang from the world above?
I think they have over time, yes. I mean… Midnight says ‘pissed’ on this page, which I’m sure probably isn’t exactly a common phrase there.
Does that mean that Tim’s lessons are rubbing off on Midnight?
No, but she too is starting to really wonder what’s up.
Slang again. I suppose it depends on which of the three meanings that I know of it is, or maybe a fourth one I don’t know. (They do, er, “go,” to use another slang term, don’t they? Can’t recall seeing a toilet bowl…)
Yes, I’m sure they do. I’m sure it’s some fantastical mysterious fashion too!
Yeah well you can keep that bit O’ info mysterious if you please.
You got enough going on as it is.
Man, I love the design of Midnight. This story keeps getting more fun as it goes on.
I love the expressions on page. In the last panel, that tail is as droopy as her. Do they actually have the phrase h “freaking hilarious”?
I like the artistic layout of the page. On the left side we see midnight and two ranges of emotions with her. On the right side of the page is shadow with three emotions. Shadow; shocked, worried, tired.
Midnight in panel two wins.
I wouldn’t say Shadow is tired in the last panel. She looks more frustrated or maybe mildly upset to me.
Yeah, she is supposed to be sort of grumble in the last panel.
Your right, annoyed also fits.
Hey Shadow, take a bow!
Look into what she’s doin’ now.
Hey, lookit, got the highest score!
She’s not the type who’ll blindly follow a rule;
She’s sought out scaring tactics not from their school.
She’s got what it takes, they know she’s got it more.
If her downcast look broadcasts despair,
She still homes in on her prey.
She’s under the bed, she gives it a fling,
They go screaming away!
Here is the main point Midnight wants them to know,
She’s beating Nightmare, she’s a dynamo!
She’s got what it takes, they know she’s got it more.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
They go screaming away!
Here is the main point Midnight wants them to know,
She’s beating Nightmare, she’s a dynamo!
She’s got what it takes, she’s got the highest score.
—from “Handy Man,” Jimmy Jones. (Yes, I know there’s one by James Taylor.)
Ahahahaah~! It is freaking awesome~! Perfect expressions and tails.
Thank you!
Lol. Midnight is such a trip. I love seeing her act goofy
Yeah, Midnight kinda rules. XD
Hm. Hopefully her new celebrity status wont make it harder to sneak away for her nightly visits. But I’m still wondering how she would react to popping out from the bed to the sight and sound of fireworks.
An interesting idea! If she really does go out every night, she probably has seen the phenomena before, if not knowing exactly what it is.
??? well if they pick up slang, then they would pick up holidays … what kid DON’T git exited for … holiday ..
if nothing else , no school, ( except summer )???