#89 “Whispers”
Well now, it seems word is getting around that there’s a new player in town, for better or worse!
PATREON Support the Comic for $1.00?
Well now, it seems word is getting around that there’s a new player in town, for better or worse!
PATREON Support the Comic for $1.00?
Heh, I’m almost starting to get a How to Train Your Dragon vibe from this. Shadow becoming the best at scaring humans by learning from Tim vs Hiccup becoming the best at dragon training by learning from Toothless, both of them careful to hide the source of their new knowledge. And both of them with a jealous rival trying to find out how they’ve improved so quickly.
Great art, as always!
So does that mean that Tim will have to rescue Shadow at some point? Like Toothless did Hiccup? That would be a sight to see.
I LOVE their faces in the last panel!
Midnight reminded me of Horace after Harry lost SPOILER book. It was around that time he started seeing Ginny.
Oh. Harry Potter references…. I wouldn’t know anything about that. °.°
For some reason Midnight’s shock in the last panel just makes me laugh far more than it should… I think the tail staying parallel to her instead of shooting off panel might be it.
I wonder if Midnight may start hanging around Tim more in an effort to boost her scores like Shadow’s? Hilarity would ensue!
As he builds himself a Scare ’em Harem, trading favors and Noxious knowledge for peeks at arcane and forbidden knowledge (horror flicks). I could so see this happening.
Come to think of it, what do the Bed Bugs do anyway?
They’re just a group of the youngest guild members, that’s all. Learning the ropes, using the buddy system, that sort of thing. Once they graduate to fully-fledged Nightstalkers they become more individually autonomous. Reavers are elites and go practically unchecked.
Is Shadow and Midnight going to visit Tim again?
Well, yeah! XD
I really like the art in the third panel. Shadows expression and the detail is very nice
Thank you very much!
Sarcasm level: OVER 9000!
“The sarcasm detector is off the charts!”
I’m seeing a few people post that she was able to learn how to scare humans from the stuff Tim was teaching her with the horror movies and everything, but i was under the impression that all of the fear that she was being scored on was from Tim himself. Page 46, panel 2 & 3. as she has been seeing Tim basically every night has she really had the time to scare anyone else? still, no info on how the scoring actually works, so i could be totally wrong here.
I had the same question.
I listen this song every time I read your comic brandon.
sick puppies monsters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dys5Fjm9Kn0
and aviators the monsters under my bed. please hear these two songs
PD. me encanta tu comic, existira en algun futuro la posibilidad de traducirlo al español
i now those songs well, good pick bro
First one is cool, but the second one is a little TOO FNAF specific to relate to anything else. XD
Hello new avatar.
Finally had change to a cute Midnight. And she’s winking! Should have done this long ago.
I hope she’s into males. Back on 75, it made me wounder if was into Shadow even though they are friends. And I hope she doesn’t lose her figure.. Not that there is anything wrong with girls likeing girls or thick girls I guess.
I’m not 100% sure they get hung up on whether they like specific genders or not, considering they spend so much time together with other females in the guild and have no qualms about stripping off in front of each other and even bathing each other. I could see Midnight going either way, honestly.
Still lurking, still reading, still enjoying
Excellent! (still!)
I just want to say, your art certainly improved since the beginning! The colors, the lines, the shadows (no pun intended), the movements, everything is much, much better! I tip you my hat, you are doing great!
Thank you! Well, I must say that it has been a great learning experience starting a comic from practically scratch design wise. Haaaah. Not the smartest move, but I’ve learned a lot since then.
The last panel is hilarious. Excellent work.