#9 “Eyes in the Dark”
I think he’s going to need a bigger mousetrap for this one!
Phew! It looks like the new page is finally finished! You know, going into Christmas holidays, I figured I would have lots of time to sit and crank out a few pages… hah! Boy, was I wrong! Anyhow, sorry about the slight delay everyone, but as you all can imagine life stuff seems to pre-empt everything else this time of year.
Oh! And have a Happy New Year!
Well, at least original underworld’s fabric too difficult to draw…
Who says it’s not the original fabric?
I say about it too. It’s not original fabric, because “OF” too difficult to draw. If it can be drawed of cause. I do not sure that it real.
Well, I can’t really draw how the material moves, since it is a still image… but just imagine that it is.
IS he thinking why is there a Girl taking my bait? But still here is my proof Ha Ha!
Ha, I’m not sure he’s really processing the gravity of the situation yet.
Cute~! I’m definitely glad you put in the effort to bring this before the end of the year. Now, first off best wishes to you and to the other fans of this comic for the upcoming year. Second, I hope that you’ll continue the story pronto ^_^.
Ha! Yes, I put a lot of effort in to get this one out today, considering how behind schedule I was! XD One thing I have learned is that having a day job actually helps keep me MORE on schedule than having several days off to work does.
Anyhow, Happy New Year to you as well, and I shall certainly strive to push forward; especially now that I’m reaching the really interesting part finally!
I’ve been following this comic since when the mom first grounds our main character here, and i’ll tell you what! I can’t get enough of it! i’ve been checking every day to see the next page and what happens next! and for that i thank you for giving me something look forward to everyday. Can’t wait to see more!
Thank you for following! It’s hearing from folks like yourself that drive me to push forward!
I only wish it were possible to update every day! If I could, I certainly would; but the stick-man artwork might wear a little thin! Hahaha!
Happy New Year!
Oh, I didn’t notice the freckles before. That’s adorable. And those hair-horns are very well-designed.
Thank you!
I was right this was sp00ky!
Haha, well now she’s just gonna be mad. So next page should be interesting!
btw, i find it just today:
Но в одну ночь тот, кто сидел в темноте у тебя под кроватью,
Вылезет тихо и покажет свой нрав.
Ты онемеешь и слов не найдешь, а он здесь, чтобы забрать их,
Он засмеется, твой дикий испуг увидав.(c)
Is that a poem? The translation of it is a little messed up I’m thinking.
But one night he who was sitting in the darkness under your bed,
Quietly come out and show your temper.
Thou shalt be dumb, and you will not find the words, and he’s here to pick them up,
He laughs, your wild fright seeing. (C)
Part of song. http://ololo.fm/search/Канцлер+Ги/За+Одну+Ночь – it must be autoplay after load(at least it work on my browser).
За одну ночь можно сделать так много –
За одну ночь можно все звезды пересчитать,
За ночь можно так измениться –
В зеркале утром себя не узнать.
Ночью видно то, что скрыто при свете,
Днем синее небо зигзагами режут его провода,
Ночью они сплетаются в прочные сети –
Сети купол той клетки, из которой не вырваться нам никогда.
Но за одну ночь можно сказать тысячи слов,
За одну ночь можно сжечь сотни свечей,
За ночь можно увидеть тысячи снов,
За одну ночь можно прожить сотни ночей,
За одну ночь сотни людей умирают во сне.
Ты спишь так безмятежно,
Дышишь так ровно в пьянящей ночной тишине,
И кто-то в лоб поцелует тебя так нежно.
Но за одну ночь можно порвать тысячи струн,
За одну ночь можно разбить сотни зеркал,
За ночь на небе можно увидеть тысячи лун,
Можно увидеть того, кого в небе тщетно раньше взглядом искал,
Но в одну ночь тот, кто сидел в темноте у тебя под кроватью,
Вылезет тихо и покажет свой нрав.
Ты онемеешь и слов не найдешь, а он здесь, чтобы забрать их,
Он засмеется, твой дикий испуг увидав.
За одну ночь я превращу золото в медь,
Боже, как же остры края облаков,
За эту ночь к ним в небо смогу улететь,
К ним поднимусь без мысли, сомнений и слов.
P.s. My apologies, but i do not translate anything except my own messages, because my english skill not enough good.
Ahh, that explains it.
I actually have a few ‘soundtrack’ songs picked out for this story myself, which I may link to at appropriate times in the story. Sometimes I listen to them to really get into the right headspace to create this world.
I think where about to see why there are claw marks on his back
Well….. not quite yet.
C is for cookiiiie !! ^_^
Also, very nice close up of her face with details, pal.
Heh, well thank you. That frame was actually one of the reasons this page got held up a bit, as I was not very happy with it and had to keep tweaking it. Finally, I just let it go as ‘good enough’! XD
I’ll have to get better at drawing her snarly, and not so cute in the future… but not for quite some time. (says the artist mysteriously…)
you know, I have to ask, how old are these characters? also, I should point out the first main character hasn’t had any explanation about him yet. there’s usually a little bit more of a build up to these things.
Currently, Timothy (the human protagonist) is 8 years old, and will remain that age throughout the first chapter, which is a flashback. The first 3 pages take place a decade into the future when they are 18, which will be when the majority of the story takes place. Explanations will be laid out naturally in due time.
It’s only 9 pages in. I don’t think there needs to be a ton of exposition and world-building quite yet. However, very soon, those things will truly begin. Once the main characters start talking to each other more openly.
monster used growl it was not effective. tim used flash it was super effective
Ha, I’m not so sure capturing this one in a little ball will turn her so willingly into an obedient little slave though.
No one, even you, do not know, what kind of “games” prefer this couple when they offscreen.
Well, I’m pretty sure that *I* have the best idea of what they get up to together when they are alone…. which is, of course, play checkers together.
maybe if u give her sum rare candy
Hmmm, well, she does love her sweets…
Candy? Lolwut? Do you know about particular relationships between cookies and a dark side? *deep sigh*
I know that Star Wars related joke line ‘Come to the Dark Side… we have cookies!’ but I’m not sure if that’s what you’re talking about.
“Reply” button disappears again
Now it not only Star Wars. Dark side and cookies, cookies and dark side… Just like cat and it’s fur. (Yeah, naked cats exist, but it’s really strange, abnormal cats)
Sock-flavored cookies?
Whaaat? No. Just cookies placed gently down on a pair of socks.
As far as I know, cookies don’t absorb the flavour of stuff they come into contact with! XD
Well there’s probably some tiny bits of loose fabric et cetera caught on the cookie surface.
I certainly wouldn’t eat cookies off *dirty* socks, sure hope those are clean.
Meh. She’s a monster. You should see some of the unidentifiable food items they consider a good meal where she comes from. Let’s just say there’s a good reason she loves human food so much!
I can’t wait to see her reaction after the picture has been taken.
Later today the next page should be up. It’d be sooner but I’m back at work now. Otherwise it’d be up already! X(
Well I’m entirely interested in this comic and I’m already craving the next page.
Awesome! I’m very happy to hear it!
Put the cookie down!
Daw what a cute loli