BFF… a little jealous , yeah shes here with out shade,, but midi ‘s 9 (( ? 10 ??)) an bff is trying something new,, so yes she is going to be a little defensive of bff
Defensive or protective? She’s at that prepubescent stage where she’s probably interest in the whole male-female thing but, at the same time, finds boys abhorrent. Kind of like Tim with Shadow. He likes her but he doesn’t. As a result, he finds her a “problem”.
COOKIES! The solution to and cuase of all of Tims problems. Well I think Midnight finally gets why Shadow likes him. To bad her half joking style in the last panel says “I don’t want to kill you but when you two get found out I will have too do it.” Yikes…
Hehe, Middy already knows where this is going. I like that first panel, looks like Middy is trying to squeeze some more fear out of Tim through proximity.
I’m pretty sure that if someone were to leave a plate of cookies on/at my grave after I die, I’d rise from the grave. Though if they happened to taste horrible, then I’d have to start a zombie apocalypse.
That would make her a tsundere. Yandere and Tsundere act completely opposite of each other. Yandere are likeable toward someone but can become extremely hateful; tsundere, on the other hand, are hateful toward someone but slowly start to like them, even in a non-romantic way.
I think he means Yandere as in: Midnight being over protective of, obsessed with or in love with Shadow and anyone that hurts her or takes her away has to either be removed or killed.
I’m on my phone at the moment so I have had to magnify the image and scroll. The first few times I’ve read it, I missed Tim’s right hand bubble in panel 7.
You’ve got some nerve to make the claim I hate you, Timmy.
Just for suggesting it I ought to extirpate you, Timmy.
I know it isn’t true.
You’ve got something to do.
Go look into your crying, bleating, self-conceiting, night-timing, trouble-feeling, overheating, loving part.
There’s nothing in your face that makes me see, I know it.
I still have hopes that someday sometime soon she will outgrow it.
I s’pose shouldn’t mind.
‘Cause Shadow likes you fine.
So look into your crying, bleating, self-conceiting, night-timing, trouble-feeling, overheating, loving part.
Are you headed for some trouble, oh, yeah!
Riding on the bubble, oh, yeah!
Pounding you to rubble, oh, yeah!
Well, it’s quite a whoop-de-do what Shadow sees in you!
There’ll come a time when reckoning will hit us, Pet-Boy.
It’s something that you’ll find hard to admit, I’ll bet, boy.
It’s coming any day.
We’ll need to find a way.
So look into your crying, bleating, self-conceiting, night-timing, trouble-feeling, overheating, loving part.
Yeah!—look into your crying, bleating, self-conceiting, night-timing, trouble-feeling, overheating, loving part.
—from “Blame it on Your [Lying, Cheating, Cold Deadbeating, Two-Timing, Double Dealing, Mean Mistreating, Loving] Heart,” Patty Loveless.
She’s not jealous of him ’cause she wants Shadow for herself, is she? ‘Cause they’re still all about nine right now…and kids can be possessive, too…
She just doesn’t want her friend to be hurt, and this kid is a major problem, even if he is a nice kid
Actually, I don’t think it’s jealousy – I think that she’s afraid that Shadow is going to get into big trouble and taking it out on Tim.
BFF… a little jealous , yeah shes here with out shade,, but midi ‘s 9 (( ? 10 ??)) an bff is trying something new,, so yes she is going to be a little defensive of bff
Defensive or protective? She’s at that prepubescent stage where she’s probably interest in the whole male-female thing but, at the same time, finds boys abhorrent. Kind of like Tim with Shadow. He likes her but he doesn’t. As a result, he finds her a “problem”.
Careful Tim you might just ramble into something you aren’t ready to admit yet
Haha yeah, totally!
I wonder how many Death threats Midnight is going to make to Tim throughout the Tim and Shadow relationship? So far this is number 1
Actually, she’s just reiterating an earlier threat made some time back. “If anything bad happens to Shadow because of you, I’ll kill you!”
So 2
COOKIES! The solution to and cuase of all of Tims problems. Well I think Midnight finally gets why Shadow likes him. To bad her half joking style in the last panel says “I don’t want to kill you but when you two get found out I will have too do it.” Yikes…
Yes, it seems that they certainly play a major role.
Slightly incorrect, Striker. The REAL cause of Tim’s problems is Shadow’s addiction to socks.
Well, at the beginning, anyway…
More an addiction to Tim’s scent.
Hehe, Middy already knows where this is going. I like that first panel, looks like Middy is trying to squeeze some more fear out of Tim through proximity.
Haha exactly! But even still, nothing.
Well, Shadow seems to have caused his fear of “monsters” to diminish immensely. Girls, on the other hand, that’s a different matter completely.
It’s not really fear of girls as such, but fear of attempting a serious relationship. His relationship with midnight is stable and unthreatening.
Cookies. Is there any problem they can’t solve?
Yup. XP
I’m pretty sure that if someone were to leave a plate of cookies on/at my grave after I die, I’d rise from the grave. Though if they happened to taste horrible, then I’d have to start a zombie apocalypse.
*off to create an anti-death cookies*
Is Midnight a Yandere type ? Or just an over-protective person ?
I over protective. However, she does seem to be warming to him.
I believe that she’s overprotective…
That would make her a tsundere. Yandere and Tsundere act completely opposite of each other. Yandere are likeable toward someone but can become extremely hateful; tsundere, on the other hand, are hateful toward someone but slowly start to like them, even in a non-romantic way.
I think he means Yandere as in: Midnight being over protective of, obsessed with or in love with Shadow and anyone that hurts her or takes her away has to either be removed or killed.
when is a new rewards pic coming out? (no rush just curious)
I’m on my phone at the moment so I have had to magnify the image and scroll. The first few times I’ve read it, I missed Tim’s right hand bubble in panel 7.
so now that they are actually communicating, the aegis is glowing. Something it wasnt doing before. Or maybe its just the subject matter.
nope glows all the time ( the back ) it’s just covered all the time..
You’ve got some nerve to make the claim I hate you, Timmy.
Just for suggesting it I ought to extirpate you, Timmy.
I know it isn’t true.
You’ve got something to do.
Go look into your crying, bleating, self-conceiting, night-timing, trouble-feeling, overheating, loving part.
There’s nothing in your face that makes me see, I know it.
I still have hopes that someday sometime soon she will outgrow it.
I s’pose shouldn’t mind.
‘Cause Shadow likes you fine.
So look into your crying, bleating, self-conceiting, night-timing, trouble-feeling, overheating, loving part.
Are you headed for some trouble, oh, yeah!
Riding on the bubble, oh, yeah!
Pounding you to rubble, oh, yeah!
Well, it’s quite a whoop-de-do what Shadow sees in you!
There’ll come a time when reckoning will hit us, Pet-Boy.
It’s something that you’ll find hard to admit, I’ll bet, boy.
It’s coming any day.
We’ll need to find a way.
So look into your crying, bleating, self-conceiting, night-timing, trouble-feeling, overheating, loving part.
Yeah!—look into your crying, bleating, self-conceiting, night-timing, trouble-feeling, overheating, loving part.
—from “Blame it on Your [Lying, Cheating, Cold Deadbeating, Two-Timing, Double Dealing, Mean Mistreating, Loving] Heart,” Patty Loveless.
Well… given who everything thinks Lady Blackheart is, she might want to reconsider that threat.
Lady Blackheart: Haha, I heard you were threatening my son, care to retract that threat *evil grin*
I mean, if one of the Noxians harmed him, or worse, actually DID kill him, I can see only terrible wrath being exacted upon the perpetrator.
If she is who we think she is, Shadow and Tim getting together would be a great way for Moonlight to get to meet her sister again and meet her family.
eh… no because moonlight seems to be vary wary of Human+Noxian relationships, probably bad noxian myths related to darker times in their history.
nuuuu the status quo wont allow that. ( humans must not know ) ,, some thing major will have to change..
even private is a big risk….
This whole comic world revolves around cookies doesn’t it? They’re the source and solution of every problem.
Liking this calmer interaction between the two, gives potential for a less adversarial companionship.
Haha, nah. Midnight’s totally jealous. I mean, I’d be jealous of cookies and Nintendo too if I were missing out on it.