#175 “Expecting the Unexpected”
Things are getting stranger all the time! What is a Monster to do?
After a quick re-read, I’ve made a few small changes to the comic: namely re-writing the narration text on page 3 to make it a bit more in line with my current line of thinking, and I changed page 151’s text slightly to make it clearer we’ve gone back in time to start that montage right after Halloween, and NOT after the family photo in the present day. (which I think was confusing some readers, even myself, re-reading it.)
Whoaaaaaaa, i see how tim was born, didnt knew humans could breed with other species
Might wanna re-read the comic as Tom and Ruth (Ruth is from Nox and is a monster) and Tom is human (Tim’s father)
AKA spoiler alert
I had been assuming that he was adopted.
Brandon if you could… at the 200 page mark could you remake the first 3 pages? (Kinda like what Replay did) up to you but your comic is awesome keep it up!
I’ve wanted to for a long time, we shall see if I ever get around to it. :3
The first 3 pages ? Oh hell yes, I’d love to see that hehe
Either he going to be angry or happy
That’s hedging your bet just a bit! :3
Scared, maybe? He doesn’t seem to be the responsible type.
I actually fear a bit for Anna’s safety, given what we know Terminus to be willing to do.
I wonder how Termite is gonna take this.
Is this the same human girl he was sleeping with in his teen years, or a different one?
Same gal!
And Tim and Shadow thought *they* had problems!
Or maybe this is all a part of his plan? Yeah, that seems unlikely… XD
What do you men by his? Oh yeah your plan duh.
Hey guys, I am kinda lost on who these people are. If I could be please informed where they came in, and I’ll go back read about it. I thought I read it all. Either I missed some pages or forgot.
Hah, you forgot about Terminus? The main antagon… haha. haaaaaa. Well, I guarantee you won’t forget him again.
Wait hold on I might be thinking of something here…. An I lost it.
Hey Brandon had a good break but that character terminus but not trying to be weird but he kinda looks like me well because of the hair style ( but little bit longer) & the good looks but it’s good but I am trying to be honest with you plus his girlfriend well if I knew her ( as a friend ) I would tell her congratulations but still it’s cool
about him that he kinda looks like me well good day to you man 
Coming from the original story, that’s certainly an interesting change. Now I’m curious which one is Terminus’ side chick, or if he’s just a douche who’s stringing both girls along. Whatever the case, I hope Ruth and Shadow’s “Mother” (I forget her name) and Terminus’ “boss” (the one that pinned the brat to the wall) learn of the situation before anything too dire occurs and is able to help the woman and her future child.
Pretty sure Terminus (I call him “Termite”; he kinda looks the part) is just an amoral self-centered sociopath who is using both this girl and Nightmare as his playthings. He probably wasn’t aware they were cross-compatible genetically (it doesn’t seem like something that would crop up in any Noxian literature except the magic books Mother Moonlight and Ruthless have access to), and of course whatever passes for their science fiction/fantasy literature (which is probably derided as “yeah, that couldn’t happen in real life”) . . . .
Damn you have a good point he is an amoral self centered sociopath
Do you mean mother moonlight
Good God what next
BETTING TIME! OOOOOOHHH!!! is a vote for he’s gonna bail. AAAYYYYYYYYY is a vote for he’s gonna poof. AAAAAWWWWWWWW is for he’s gonna stay, for a while. Place ya bets.
“Local woman, early- to mid-20s, found dead in bedroom, clawed in the gut and stuffed in closet. News at eleven, film at midnight.”
Based on a comment from Brandon, I’m gonna go AAAAAWWWWWWWW
Now I’m wondering…Maybe a hybrid would be somehow involved in trying to open that door. I could see Terminus trying to use this kid for his plans, probably end up driving away his girlfriend, and ultimately trying to force Tim to open it.
I dunno, seems like a solid enough storyline to me.
I know where this is going, and it is gonna get dark.
Buckle up buttercup.
Dun dun duuuuun.
Strange he gets to go all the way yet Shadow gets shot down. Curious
Smashing Pumpkins!!!!
Looks like someone is in some pretty deep s**t now, let’s hope the hybrid will be viable