#175 “Expecting the Unexpected”
Things are getting stranger all the time! What is a Monster to do?
After a quick re-read, I’ve made a few small changes to the comic: namely re-writing the narration text on page 3 to make it a bit more in line with my current line of thinking, and I changed page 151’s text slightly to make it clearer we’ve gone back in time to start that montage right after Halloween, and NOT after the family photo in the present day. (which I think was confusing some readers, even myself, re-reading it.)
Am I pregedent? How do remove pragenent???
I remember seeing that video a long time ago. It’s still funny as I remember.
Man, why do monsters get all the hot chicks?
A man of culture!
*nods knowingly, and sprays his hot ear*
it’s confirmed Noxians and humans are a comparable species
……hasn’t that been confirmed since Tim’s mom was revealed? Or did I miss something?
there was a theory at one point saying that she might not be his real mom
but this right here debunks the old theory
Small suggestion, on the archive page, you might want to link to the comic pages instead of just the images themselves. That way, you won’t have to update those links whenever a page is fixed like you did now. Right now they link to the old, unedited pictures, and the only way to get to the comic pages is to click prev/next continuously until you reach a comic page.
You can also get to the comic pages by using the ‘Select Chapter’ dropdown menu at the top right.
I actually have no idea how to correctly do an archive page. IS there an automatic way of it keeping up? I have no idea.
Brandon, “Look who’s talking, mister”, not whose.
For a thumbnail gallery like the one you have, if you have the comics correctly put in the right category (or any other unique taxonomy), then it would be fairly trivial to build an archive page that queries the right pages/images automatically, sorted by date. However that would require either coding skills on your end, or trusting someone with enough access for the backend to code one for you.
I’d volunteer to code one for you, but I’m not familiar with how you organize your data, to write one blind. And you have no reason to trust me with access. If you are still interested, send me a mail; for your comic, I’d lend my skills for free.
Also, the Comicpress plugin you use might have a built in function like that. I’m not sure since I never used it, but I build WordPress stuff for a living otherwise.
Plus we get to see old comments, both Brandon’s and user comments.
And now we can get a true read of how… crummy, he can be.
Remember kids, always use protection. Even if you’re dating a monster from under your bed.
When did fucking start to be called “dating”?
Sort of confusing with the whole bunch of flowers and box of chocolates scene. Because there’s no evidence that Wormy Termy has ever taken Anna out for dinner and a movie.
Well, they have been seeing each other for at least as long (if not longer) than Tim and Shadow have known each other, so they’ve gotta be doing other stuff sometimes. Right? I mean, it’s been seven years and they were implied to be having sex even back then.
Has Verminous EVER bought Anna dinner, or gone to a concert together or to a hockey match?
Or are they just fucking, not really “dating”?
Which pattern of behaviour would seem to fit his personality, as somebody upstream described it; self-centred & pathological- no, it was socipathic- -they ALL fit, really.
If they HAVE been going out (not just bed exercises {or floor}} then that would also imply that Wormy either knows the same disguise spell that Shadow used for Halloween or has access to a similar spellbook.
‘hol up.
So this girl has applied to a university.
Which means she gotta be like 18-21, right?
But you’re saying, and I quote, “it’s been seven years and they were implied to be having sex even back then.”
Am I missing something here? if not, I’m afraid I’ll have to inform the FBI if they’re not at Brandon’s doostep already.
You can go to college for a couple of years, and then go to university. it’s not unheard of, depending on what you are trying to become, also yeah, they were doing it while she was in high school. It happens, you know.
It’s also why I did not actually show anything!
You can apply to university (or any other tertiary education institution) after age 21 years, at least where I live.
Anna could have been 30 years (or older) when Terminus first had sex with her seven years ago.
So no, Anna doesn’t “gotta be like” any particular age.
Or from the closet, in the case of male monsters. The females are the monsters under the bed, the males are the monsters in the closet.
At least, that’s what’s been shown/implied in the past.
Actually, being a guy, he comes out of the closet. Unfair if you ask me.
I was wondering when someone would phrase it like that.
Sorry I am just fuckin confused Who is this chick, Who is this dude, Have I seen them before and why am I still a vergin? Sorry but I seriously don’t know what is going on.
Do you mean “verging” or “virgin”. The first one easily fix with a call to your local IT department, the other depends on where you live. If you live in places like Vegas or Amsterdam, take 50 bucks and go to the nearest RED LIGHT district, if you live anywhere else use the app Grinder.
You may be confused NOW.
This can be cured by going to The Archive and reading the whole story.
If you’re STILL confused then, see your family brain doctor.
You seriously forgot Terminus? He’s been in the story since chapter 2! XD
You know, he’s the green guy who is always hanging around with Nightmare, and two-timing her with this human girl Anna, meanwhile he’s looking for a way to open that big door in the core of Nox? He’s the main antagonist of the whole story? That guy. Terminus.
Gosh. XD
Ooooo thanks I’m very shit with names
Let’s see if he stopped at only one girl….
Oh boy.
Top ten anime betrayals.
Now that I think about it, “Top ten anime plot twists” would fit better.
Oof XD
He has piano keys for ribs in the last panel.
It didn’t take much for me to figure out the Ruth was a Noxian where at the same time she being, Tim’s mother. It was pretty clear not far into the story.
I notice she says, “big news” not “good news”.
Since I can’t edit my reply, I’ll add my “edit” here.
An alternate title for this one could be “The Unexpected Expecting”.
I’m seriously scared for her safety, Terminus could either become a redeemable bad guy or do something so bad he can’t be forgiven
I think that he is irredeemable. But I don’t know what happens re him and Anna.
One hopes that at worst he would simply stop coming by. But I don’t know. Anna doesn’t know Ruth et al.
Can’t say more.
I can’t say what he did but in the original story Terminus crosses lines I hope he won’t this time around.