#175 “Expecting the Unexpected”
Things are getting stranger all the time! What is a Monster to do?
After a quick re-read, I’ve made a few small changes to the comic: namely re-writing the narration text on page 3 to make it a bit more in line with my current line of thinking, and I changed page 151’s text slightly to make it clearer we’ve gone back in time to start that montage right after Halloween, and NOT after the family photo in the present day. (which I think was confusing some readers, even myself, re-reading it.)
Yeetus da fetus
i’ve seen that tag before
now that i think avout it tim’s mother is a nonster or demon or whatever she is and his dad is a human so that makes tim an hybrid right? so maybe in the future he will be able to transform to a monster right?
Well, I won’t rule it out……………. but it’s highly unlikely, except for maybe a gag at some point.
He is half deamon though right? Shouldnt he have some of their traits/appearance? Or maybe his mom put a spell on him to make him look human?
Monster*, not deamon, my bad.
Come to think of it there is such a thing as hybrid vigour, meaning Tim is conceivably STRONGER than ordinary humans and noxians.
I must say that from an anatomical standpoint, you draw absolutely magnificent breasts. The way the same pair sit naturally, hanging, and lying down shows a refined understanding of breast physics that a lot of comic industry professionals don’t have.
Guys is abortions like spawn killing?
OR, Since a foetus is medically part of a woman’s own tissue, is it lke cutting one’s toenails?
Not really. It is an individual. It’s just connected to her. Not certain whether the placenta is baby or mom. With plants, the seed pod is mom, not sure what that has to do with animals.
Looked it up. Placenta is both.
This is a debate for OTHER forums but *I* believe a foetus cannot be “an individual” until it can exist independently of the mother’s body. That’s after it’s born and acqiures human rights. While legal jurisdictions apply different rules in their own jurisdictions there can be no universal definition unless we throw scientific knowledge out the window and rely on religious doctrine and THAT’S not universal, either.
Legally I’d say this… if she were assaulted by some mugger and struck in the course of the mugging and she miscarried because of the trauma… if the state would prosecute the mugger for not only battery and assault but also manslaughter… then yes..legally the unborne child is a life not tissue. But that’s purely a legal definition. My personal views are more moral than legal.
…Except a baby *could* exist independently before going to the full term and being naturally delivered. Can’t restrict a person’s rights just because they’re locked in a room.
There’s a limit to that. a natural one.
That’s why every state which accepts terminations has limits on “late-term” terminations to cater for similar situations.
The fact that those limits exist and other terminations are supported negates that as an argument for univesal prohibition of ALL terminations.
I’m just gonna cut all this abortion talk off right now and say that she’s NOT HAVING ONE.
Okay guys? Jeepers.
Wow that escalated quality. I mean that really got out of hand fast.
Wow that escalated quality. I mean that really got out of hand fast.
I’m sorry for this I just made a joke.
How many babies does it take to paint a wall?
Depends how hard you can throw them against it.
For a long time page 12 seemed to be missing. I dunno what you did to fix it, but it seems to me that if this new page 175 immediately followed page 141 things would be a bit less complex.
I need to point out that Anna’a age was never specified. Terminus is some years older than Nightmare, who is some years older than Shadow. It is much easier to think that a sleazeball like Terminus would leave Anna long before he was with her long enough for Tim to experience his 18th birthday.
Why would a self-centred, sociopathic. sleazeball give up free, available sex even with an unpleasant or ugly (not that Anna is EITHER) partner. It’s not that Verminous has a wide choice.
He would give it up if he had an alternative (which he does, since he can appear from almost any closet), if he can lay the blame for pregnancy on someone else (which he can do; who has Anna been messing with when he was not around heh?), or just to escape responsibility (a common tactic of sleazy men). You are therefore asking what, exactly? What her reponse will be? Remember she is Canadian….
Just because Verminous can access other closets doesn’t mean the occupants of those beds will automatically have sex with him.
Anna’s nationality has no bearing on her willingness to screw ANYBODY if that’s what your jibe means.
The “traditional” lawyer tactic of slut-shaming the female victim of abuse has no place in discussion of Verminous’s character. Side issue.
Her nationality has a great deal to do with how she handles the situation after he leaves her.
I never said that just because he could access other closets, others might have sex with him. You made that assumption all by yourself. I did imply that the ability to access other closets might present with opportunity. Any real sleazeball would be making full use of that opportunity. Only one woman would have sex with him??? Who do you think you are kidding?
Well, I can’t claim to speak from the female PoV, I shall leave that to any other female readers (Please chime in to add your views.)
You’ll need to explain to me just how Anna being Canadian affects her sexual choices ’cause I’ m Australian. (Other Canadians my want to contribute here, as well, and welcome.)
……”others might have sex with him”….. That’s exactly the OPPOSITE of what I said. Better read it again.
It is the cartoonist’s POV that mattere. I assume that only a small taste of sleaziness can be portrayed; you seem to think that the portrayal is all there is. But only the cartoonist knows for sure.
In some places an unwanted pregnancy can be terminated more easily than in other places. That is why the nationality of Anna matters.
I updated the page manually to fix the missing page 12.
You COULD update this page manually, also, It could become (for example) page 141.2, leaving you with plenty of room to add more.
OK….. I remember Termius. But whos this girl? Wasn’t Termius with that other red monster girl?
He messes with human girls too, that is how he knew what a kiss was.
Okay a little bit to unload here. First, he’s about to kill her and the fetus. he does not seem like the paternal type. “Yeet da fetus” indeed.
Anna, we barely knew ye.
So I didn’t realized Brandon had posted a page before this. Bravo for you Brandon. Even if it’s a simple page it’s highly appreciated. My one problem with the page was that half of it was upside down. I know I can easily download the page twice and flip it but still…
Brandon, every time you make changes to previous pages, it’s really hard to tell those changes. You should really keep the older versions of the page in the archives since they are part of the history. Like page 3 version a, b, C. Every time you make small alterations so we can compare.
I don’t remember if I said this previously but I’d like to see Shadow take up Midnight’s offer, hanging out with her for the night and sleeping with her for the night.
Giggity. Still holding on for that future 3way / love triangle.
Yeah I either see him murdering them or keeping the baby to run tests on.
For what it’s worth, not to sound like a broken record, but while Brandon is using the story as a guide, it is breaking a great deal of new ground. Anna isn’t in the story. Terminus seems to be more out of control than psychopathic. Unless they have storys of this sort of thing happening in the past, it would seem that he might suspect she has had a human lover. The alternative is quite unthinkable, even though we know it’s true.
The half of the page was supposed to be upside down. It is the classic reflection pose. Where two characters are feeling the same about a situation, like each character leaning on a shut door.
She’s pregnant? Well, I feel like he might go to the store to get cigarettes.
After seeing Brandon´s comments on how he rewrote pages 3 and 151 I just went back to page 1 and I was stunned to see how much his drawings skills have refined since the start of this great comic. Pics on page 1 look crude and unrefined compared to now. Brandon, you have come a long and fruitful way since then.
I just love this comic!
Oh dear. This is going to go poorly, I feel.
yep. He either kills her or punches her hard in the abdomen, causing her her to loose the baby and walks away. Question is will the fetus DNA show as not quite human. Will the police lab bother checking it. on the other hand; he could react differently than what we all think. It’s up to Brandon.
As for the question, what will a crossbreed look like, there are three choices. Human, Noxian, hybrid. Perhaps we will end up seeing all three in time.
You have an example.
Tim Newton is a product of Human-Noxe mating. However, genetics ALWAYS rules. No two humans (SOME homozygotic (fraternal twins) excepted) look alike.
I am referring to racial characteristics, not what face they have. Eg, tail or no tail, ear shape, etc etc.
@rws “Race” is not a term of science, it’s a political term, for which there is no accepted scientific definiton. It’s rarely used, except in the discredited “racial science” of the Third Reich, or the US.
That’s why I prefer to stick with scientific terms like genus, species or zygote.
Did you mean “species”, referring to humans and Nox characteristics?
Incoming David Copperfield impression in T-3… 2… 1…
Great job on the comic. Like most all the other women Anna is gorgeous. But, the Noxian women are definitely my favorites. With Midnight and Moonie at the top of the list followed of course by Shadow. Anyway, Love the comic. I know life gets complicated but, i hope this web comic goes on for years to come. Yes, i realize how much work that will cost you. Take care of yourself
Hey troy i gotta say that you like Moonlight or Moonie if like you plus Midnight like damn those are good noxian women character’s but I am glad that someone like you like you’re favorite Noxian women are moonlight and midnight are my top favorites too like you have good interest like HOLY SHIT
it has been awhile about moonlight last appearance like I miss seeing her in this comic you know but I have to go now but have a day dude
Okay, this is a little awkward.
Question is, is the baby Tim’s or Terminus’s? And how will they take the news? And that includes the other (demon) girl in his life too…
(I only hope it’s not Tim’s or that Shadow soon learns to accept it, even though he probably never asked for this to happen)
We shall just have to see how this pans out over the next 9 months (or less depending how quickly this comic’s timeline is)…
Are you drunk? haha
Hey Brandon how are things going with you anyway good work on this page plus is Anna gonna keep the baby in the human world or in Nox like if she gave birth to a human hospital the government might try to take it & do some experiment on it like you know that some government agency will do if they capture creatures like you know like I am just saying because Anna looks like an model mother like a best mother that baby could ever hope for just like mother moonlight you know I am just trying to be supportive for your characters and your work
but have an nice day
And ask me anything questions of you like if you want to reply
Tim & Anna have never MET, let alone shared rumpy-pumpington exercise.
ISTR that Brandon has indicated that Tim & Anna are not even aware of each other’s existence.
You’d need to quote page number(s) to prove otherwise.
I also don’t think Tim has had sex period.
Given how he responded to Marcy, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still a virgin. (Whether Shadow is one is a matter of debate, given how much more open about such things Noxian society is.)
Now, back when Marcy was introduced I jokingly tossed out the idea that she’d tell Shadow “my sister is sleeping with one of you guys”, implying that Marcy’s sister was dear ol’ Anna here, but let’s face it there’s a very good chance that Anna doesn’t even live in the same nation much less the same town as the rest of the human cast.
Of course, he’s a virgin! XD
HOOO!! That is big news… BIG FUCKING NEWS imma need a glass of water XD