#228 “Just Perfect”
OKAY! Happy new Year everyone! Geez… fate certainly had it out for this week’s page, but without further ado… IT LIVES!
OKAY! Happy new Year everyone! Geez… fate certainly had it out for this week’s page, but without further ado… IT LIVES!
It’s not looking good for Shadow’s virginity right now. Still hope Tim gets it though
I would say “WHY MUST YOU PUT THESE IMAGES IN MY HEAD!?!”, but my mind went to the exact same place.
If he won’t – I’ll blame the author and artist for lazy writing and needless drama. Even more needless as it is as Shadow didn’t even listen to what Tim had to say for himself and that wasn’t his fault – Marcy (or whatever that girl name is – I may forget as it was ages ago) kissed him herself out of the blue.
The audacity of some people…
Oh no, I think this is her engagement party.
can i be the first to say, shadow looks like a fukin’ viking maiden. its really cool.
Cool! Thanks!
so…it’s been a long time since i read through the comic and i do miss the days when it updated once a week since it feels like the story moves really slow because of its update schedule now. i’m not blaming the artist because i know life happens and he’s probably not able to dedicate the kind of time to the comic he used to. i’m a long time reader and understand that. that said, thinking back on how things have been going in the comic in this chapter i do agree with someone else’s comment about how it kind of feels like Mother Moonlight is trying to pimp out Shadow a bit. will it work? maybe. she was recently rejected by Tim, the only male she’s liked and wanted to give herself to. i don’t remember much of their interactions together but, since Lord Mortis was always kind to her, and seemed like he was charming, maybe she might decide to give herself to him instead? also i just looked back a little bit and this morning Shadow woke up and found her ears pierced who then yelled at Midnight because it made it look she was “on the prowl”. Mother Moonlight got excited when she saw it because that seemed to indicate that Shadow was looking for a mate. she then told Shadow she would make sure she caught the eye of somebody…and Shadow didn’t exactly seem against the idea. in the present Shadow and Tim seem to be happy together, but this is still the past and i don’t know how far into the past it still is. a week? a month? 3 months to a year? there’s still time for things to happen, time for them to make amends, and somehow i feel Ruthless will play a big part of it. maybe she’ll notice Shadow doesn’t come around like she was before and goes to check up on her and find out Shadow and Lord Mortis had a fling? then again, maybe it’s my sleep-deprived mind making something out of nothing? XD
Illustratung the value of paragraphs.
Moonlight trying to pimp Shadow – yes. Will she agree – hardly doubt. Oh, and Tim didn’t reject her, she just acted out of jelousy and didn’t even listen to what Tim had to say for himself. Yet, it’s up to Brandon Shane, the autor and artist of this comic to decide, but I would consider Shadow going with any Moonlight wants her to do as just a lazy writing.
Clearly Shadow will not go along with what Moonlight wants. She doesn’t even want to be dressed up right now. XD
Oh qiuck!!
to reject Moonlight’s schemes (insert the word ‘nefarious’ at chosen point)
Will there be papparazi at this shindig, Brandon?
With a stone tablet and chisel? Haha. Keep in mind they don’t like cameras!
So… Flintstones tech, then? With a woodpecker inside a stone box?
A true artist can express subtleties of shading better with pokerwork, so hot irons and hardwood shingle?
I wouldn’t complain if they stripped… would the other Noxian complain if she did?
But on a more serious note: can you define both what technology they have and why they don’t have access to human technology. Like you already shown the comic takes place at least in the 90s or later, but none of the Noxian have the ability to understand or use technology despite Shadow, Ruthless, and Nightmare, shown how they can just pop into the human world whenever they want.
I couldn’t exactly call a small convenient device, with what looks like a a small row of LEDs for a display, that can open ‘portals’, low tech… They also got electric lights…
No the wall lights are bioluminescent bacteria (or maybe fungi) which only give off a dim light
That’s why Noxians hae evolved those large light-gathering eyes and why Shadow was so incapitated when Timmy flashed the camera flash at her.
The wall lights can’t be switched on and off, because they’re not electrical.
I don’t know why you think the aegises have a row of LEDs.
Can you please quote the page that gave you that idea?
Actually, they DO have a row of lights on the back… like a power meter that tells them what fear level they are getting. You can see them back when Midnight is trying to suck “The Good Stuff” out of Tim but fails for some reason!
Aha! FOUND IT (Page 93)
Thank you for that, Brandon.
The clue was that you put the page title in quotes, but it’s never a bad thing to re-read all the early pages.
Page 92 precisely, but there are a few other pages too where the lights can be seen. But this one gives the most detailed view. The display just happens to be on its backside.
Page 192: Bioluminescent stuff won’t spark and give off the “magic smoke” like that by any “percussive maintenance”.
Yes, Nox does have mysterious electricity running through it. It’s walls seem to be artificial as well, I wonder what that’s about?
if i recall correctlly from the begining both tim and his aegis had some kind of damage, so i’d say there’s room for that xD
That reminds me to re-read the comic looking for small details, like whoever else seems to wear one YET.
Just noticed Lady Moonlight is now wearing three Aegis… she must really like them.
I can imagine Nightmare blowing a fuse when she sees Shadow all dolled up like that. She hates not being the centre of attention.
I dunno, to me it looked like Nightmare is just indiscriminately ambitious, without a good idea of what she wants, beyond “to be important”. So, Terminus is doing something BIG, she is happy to glue herself to him.
Either way, she may have more serious problems than petty envy right now.
They are honestly just jewelry to her at this point. She has no real need for a real one, although you can certainly bet that at least *one* of them is fully functional.
Almost said she’s always rocked three, but an archive trawl shows that when Lady Moonlight first appeared (Strip #61) she only had two (the one on her widow’s peak and the one just below her throat). However, she’s had three since Strip #211 – the new one appearing on her belt.
I am not even sure Tim could reckon Shaodow when she is dressed as such…
It really isn’t a good look for her.
Oblivious to his feelings for Shadow Tim may be, but I’m pretty sure he’d recognize her right off the bat – after all, they’ve hung out for years.
That said, he might have trouble keeping his eyeballs in his head and his jaw off the floor…
Keeping his hands to himself MAY be more problematic.
Seeing Shadow in this new guise cannot be unseen.
It’s Shadow, actually Shao Dow it’s a nerdcore (about anime, series, movies, etc) rapper
Kinda looks like the pupils aren’t pointed the same direction in the first panel. But that dress… the detached sleeves, the offcenter split all the way up.. that is nice, and this is coming from someone that doesn’t dig dresses generally.
They are pointing in the same direction, I think the shine in her eyes is making it look weird to you.
The Nox style of eyeshadow is also distracting? deceptive? confusing? to us humans.
I just found this comic today and I binged it ALL!
No stopping for faps here, the story really has me engaged and eager to see the next page – I’m glad to have discovered this work and thank you for making it;
It looks like she has a derpy right eye due to the amount of yellow space between the pupils and the skin.
Wonder how many pages and scenes are left in this chapter? I’m anxiously awaiting Tim and Shadow meeting up again.
Rough estimate? Hmmmmm… less than 20 pages left this chapter? I could be wrong. 20 seems like a nice round number.
I suppose that the best gift for your protagonists and for us, readers, would be the first kiss between Shadow and Tim imao.
No, that’s been an’ gone an’ done (See Pages 83 & 84)
It worked out “the usual way”.
I was in middle school when I found this comic and immediately fell on love with it. I am now halfway through my second year of college.
…there had better not be some arranged wedding planned or something here.
if i recall correctlly from the begining both tim and his aegis had some kind of damage, so i’d say there’s room for that xD
(just checked, indeed in page 3 Tim has the back with claw marks, at first i thought it was from they’re first time, but maybe it was Midnigth out of anger when she found that he exposed Shadow)
(sry for grammar errors, spanish speaker xD)
Tim’s Aegis first shows on page #31 in a “present day” segment, but it seems to lack a claw mark. On the other hand, that of Lady Blackheart (Tim’s mother) does seem damaged.
This comic is my drug of choice and Brandon is the dealer. Keep up the good work my man. Thank you so much for this comic and especially having it remain free
Hopefully Tim will find a way to ki ck Mortu’s tail before it’s too late…. suspect his mom may intervene with some suggestions or leave a book laying out in his bedroom detailing how to kick butt on demons, devils, and other supposedly legendary critters.?..
Just a random thought.
Need loving the storyline for years now. Please never give 5.. you’ve a winner here
I am not a fan of moonlights language here. Implying that there is a “real” and “proper” way to be a lady. I think shadow was very feminine before.
Shadow has filled out nicely over the last few months. Hasn’t she? Tim’s eyes are going to pop out of his head if he ever sees her in this outfit.