I used to love those intermission pages. Now I hate em because I have to wait at least a month for the action to resume.
Good job on Shadow’s outfit tho.
Parents (native or adoptive) OFTEN pursue pre-conceived agendas involving their children withOUT discussing their plans with their victims, let alone obtaining their consent.
This usually leads to disruption of the family dynamic and permanent dislocation of the child (maybe only for ten to fifteen years).
I predict that Shadow will rebel and (perhaps with Middy) depart to the comforting arms of Aunt Ruth & Tim.
Depends which way this little prom ball turns.
We know the current situation is abnormal on several sides. Shadow & Midnight and Nightmare & the new High Father know at least one each. Moonie (wishfully) thinks that oh, well, there was a snag and it’s mostly over. Also, she commands a parade, but the one who inspects the parade is really in charge.
It looks like whatever scenario she had in mind is likely to be derailed. Which way, depends on what exactly the high-ups know. By this time they could even know about the sudden anomalies in Shadow’s performance. After all, it was big enough that Moonie noticed and figured it out, and she knew of only one case; if this gets in reports, it’s likely that people higher on the data food chain have a good idea of how to interpret such statistics. In which case, the jig is up.
Yeah you say whore they say… Nubile and Available… its a dog & pony show to get their young charges hitched to THEIR satisfaction… Whores at least get paid! ‘sigh’
That’s the whole rationale behind the “debutantes ball” of past days.
In the days of the British Raj in India, they were also called “the fishing fleet”.
Back then, umarried gurls were a continuing economic drain on family finances and they couldn’t be employed (until about 1920) as anything except “paid ladies’ companions”
now I understand ….. oh god I don’t know why but several days ago I had a dream in which I don’t know why but I was seeing Lord Mortis without clothes or anything and with something strange in his hands and he was looking for someone and in that as it was a page that began to change its sizes but the strangest thing were the words and texts since I did not understand them or they were in languages that my mind must have created and it was as if it were a prediction of what would happen or something that my mind totally imagine …. but now I understand I was warning the arrival of lord mortis for something important …. maybe the last part of looking for someone is not that …. maybe get closer and find him I entered all Noxians summoned … but it would be … it would be Shadow … this is getting very interesting.
I’m with Brandon on that… a sexily dressed woman can be VERY enticing! ‘Clothes Maketh the Man {or Woman}’ Clothing is not only just for modesty.. it is often to enhance appearances as well!
It looks like promotion to the next grade or maybe an official inspection that’s mostly just a formal ritual. So they probably are participants of the event who had nothing better to do than wander around and gawk.
WOW 23h40! That is late but great page… I am sure Shadow will only think at Tim during all the evening.
And about Tim, unfortunately, he hasn’t got any way to go in Nox… but I wouldn’t be against a plot twist with Ruth to enable him to go there to seek for Shadow with some flowers and hearts in his eyes… That would be so romantic !
a while ago I thought that I saw my name as a coincidence or error …. but now I see it ….. xd my level of rarity is so high that I know too much in my future tmutb projects that I would have to explain it for maybe in private or public in other more striking places and all that … but that if it does not matter what they do with my name, if they criticize me or compare it well since with that more and more I perfected my words and my questions so as not to have to I went through that again.
postscript: xd that of frogs as a pet for Shadow ….. I would say that for her it would be good between a llama, or a wolf company.
Well, because all the previus coments i’m nervous about What is going on right there, the way Shadow (best girl of mother) is dressed, the way that mother say the things, the dream of Mr, i’m scared, but we have to wait to know it
I’m guessing you were joking about Pinkie Pie being the Noxian on the right, but regardless of whether you were joking or not, I’ll say it anyways. Pinkie Pie has blue eyes, and I think that Noxian has yellow eyes.
This scene feels like when the Madam lines up the girls at the whorehouse.
I used to love those intermission pages. Now I hate em because I have to wait at least a month for the action to resume.
Good job on Shadow’s outfit tho.
Parents (native or adoptive) OFTEN pursue pre-conceived agendas involving their children withOUT discussing their plans with their victims, let alone obtaining their consent.
This usually leads to disruption of the family dynamic and permanent dislocation of the child (maybe only for ten to fifteen years).
I predict that Shadow will rebel and (perhaps with Middy) depart to the comforting arms of Aunt Ruth & Tim.
Shadow should definitely not only look neat, it has to be in the pants …
bad translation into english, is a term for GAU, before Fukushima …
Depends which way this little prom ball turns.
We know the current situation is abnormal on several sides. Shadow & Midnight and Nightmare & the new High Father know at least one each. Moonie (wishfully) thinks that oh, well, there was a snag and it’s mostly over. Also, she commands a parade, but the one who inspects the parade is really in charge.
It looks like whatever scenario she had in mind is likely to be derailed. Which way, depends on what exactly the high-ups know. By this time they could even know about the sudden anomalies in Shadow’s performance. After all, it was big enough that Moonie noticed and figured it out, and she knew of only one case; if this gets in reports, it’s likely that people higher on the data food chain have a good idea of how to interpret such statistics. In which case, the jig is up.
After their fight… Not so sure…
Yeah you say whore they say… Nubile and Available… its a dog & pony show to get their young charges hitched to THEIR satisfaction… Whores at least get paid! ‘sigh’
That’s the whole rationale behind the “debutantes ball” of past days.
In the days of the British Raj in India, they were also called “the fishing fleet”.
Back then, umarried gurls were a continuing economic drain on family finances and they couldn’t be employed (until about 1920) as anything except “paid ladies’ companions”
That was my first thought lol.
now I understand ….. oh god I don’t know why but several days ago I had a dream in which I don’t know why but I was seeing Lord Mortis without clothes or anything and with something strange in his hands and he was looking for someone and in that as it was a page that began to change its sizes but the strangest thing were the words and texts since I did not understand them or they were in languages that my mind must have created and it was as if it were a prediction of what would happen or something that my mind totally imagine …. but now I understand I was warning the arrival of lord mortis for something important …. maybe the last part of looking for someone is not that …. maybe get closer and find him I entered all Noxians summoned … but it would be … it would be Shadow … this is getting very interesting.
REALLY not looking good for Shadow’s virginity… Good luck Tim
Nice outfits, but the guys would still like them if they were naked.
Maybe! I personally enjoy a LITTLE mystery!
I’m with Brandon on that… a sexily dressed woman can be VERY enticing! ‘Clothes Maketh the Man {or Woman}’ Clothing is not only just for modesty.. it is often to enhance appearances as well!
Nightmare’s minions seem rather… intrigued by Shadow… could be useful for a distraction
even Midnight (bff) is “intrigued” by this ‘new look’..
Are Sunset and Gloom ANYBODY’S “minions” or just bystanders at he event?
They are their own entities.
It looks like promotion to the next grade or maybe an official inspection that’s mostly just a formal ritual. So they probably are participants of the event who had nothing better to do than wander around and gawk.
They are all in the guild. They are there to hear the news, just like everyone else!
So all that is ONLY for the official announcement / “meet the new boss”? Not announcement folded into some more regular event?
Still, a bonus party.
They are not blind.. they would also like to get their hands on some of that loveliness! They WERE kissing each other on Nightmare’s direction!
an since it was commented before..
last panel , newbie on the right.. there’s a newbie , right behind Moonie..
…”behind Moonie” is LEFT.
On the right of the panel, that’s Dusk but not behind Moonie..
You do know… her name isn’t Dusk right? XD
So… tell us what her name *IS* then!!
Never thought I’d agree with Nightmare.
A broken clock is right twice a day, or something.
WOW 23h40! That is late but great page… I am sure Shadow will only think at Tim during all the evening.
And about Tim, unfortunately, he hasn’t got any way to go in Nox… but I wouldn’t be against a plot twist with Ruth to enable him to go there to seek for Shadow with some flowers and hearts in his eyes… That would be so romantic !
He’s a teenage boy and HIS idea of a romantic gesture is probably to gift her with his best frog.
Shadow would probably love that!
Which raises the next questions, do ALL Noxians like the taste or just Shadow?
Is this culinary preference inherited from the Seige of Paris 1870?
Served with garlic, onions and wilted spinach with a cream sauce or taken au naturel straight off the bone?
Brain hurty! You’re beginning to make me reach “Mr” levels of confusion now!
Clearly she wouldn’t EAT it.
brain hurty only because consciousness expanding!
Well what else would she do with a frog she liked?
I just cannot believe that it would be a cuddle-frog. NOBODY has cuddle-frogs.
Not even Nightmare!
Nightmare would have burny-frogs or even stabby-frogs (Lots of stabby-frogs, maybe)
What? Shadow would LOVE a pet frog, I bet. Clearly, you don’t know as much as you think about my own characters I made up in my brain.
So, Shadow MIGHT be a frog-cuddler, Brrrrrr!
How slippery would that be (at best) and even slimy (If the frog responds to the attention.)
I suspect this topic may be unsettling for the junior readers, however, so I shall not speculate further on Shadow’s frog practices.
a while ago I thought that I saw my name as a coincidence or error …. but now I see it ….. xd my level of rarity is so high that I know too much in my future tmutb projects that I would have to explain it for maybe in private or public in other more striking places and all that … but that if it does not matter what they do with my name, if they criticize me or compare it well since with that more and more I perfected my words and my questions so as not to have to I went through that again.
postscript: xd that of frogs as a pet for Shadow ….. I would say that for her it would be good between a llama, or a wolf company.
Ah, les cuisses de grenouilles. Yum!
Ils sont vraiment magnifiques!
Personally I think the chicks in the back have the best outfits, but they’re all nice
Well, because all the previus coments i’m nervous about What is going on right there, the way Shadow (best girl of mother) is dressed, the way that mother say the things, the dream of Mr, i’m scared, but we have to wait to know it
Once again, Midnight is adorable.
I like that hairdress
Thank you! I like it too!
Don’t you think this situation, especially Shadow’s look, looks like a XVIIIe or XIXe century’s party of high society ?
Showing a bit more skin than was the case.
Just less layers of cloth… and/or woven materials that fall short of “cloth”.
I’m conceptualizing an Opening song if this wonderful comic ever gets an animated adaptation!
Who is on the right? Is Pinkie Pie reality hopping again?
I’m guessing you were joking about Pinkie Pie being the Noxian on the right, but regardless of whether you were joking or not, I’ll say it anyways. Pinkie Pie has blue eyes, and I think that Noxian has yellow eyes.
So do most noxians. Why would changing eye color be harder than changing to a humanoid form?