#55 “Quid Pro Quo”
Hey-o! Happy Halloween and all, sorry this update was a bit late into the day… but it’s still Sunday! So… Ha!
Hey-o! Happy Halloween and all, sorry this update was a bit late into the day… but it’s still Sunday! So… Ha!
But he’s not scared of her he is nervous she won’t like him which sets of her fear sensory she’s pretty and exotic if u will… and he is there more nervous then a pig walking between a butcher shop and a barbecue
He has a more general fear of girls, thus immense nervousness around them. He doesn’t mind Shadow though, because she’s so different that it overrides his fear. She’s going to attempt to get him over his fear so he can actually talk to girls someday.
Or not.
Quite a nice Outfit she’s wearing now, and it looks like she’s trying to seduce him.
Well, I wouldn’t mind such a cute Monstergirl doing that to me.
She’s just friendly, I swear. XD
Doesn’t she not wear underwear?
She doesn’t. She is covered though. It’s not like she’s exposing herself.
I think the confusion here is because that the black cloth is not super visible – it kinda blends with her skin on this page, it looks like the whole outfit is the red bit, which would be pretty exposed. it’s much clearer on the next page.
But in a previous page Midnight asked why she had put on her favorite cape, so in some way Shade must be trying to make an impression on Tim, right_
He met a brazen Shadow,
He wore a lightning brand.
He gave her cookies that’ll
Make her eat from his hand.
To conquer fear and to get a date,
With dark Midnight in the way,
He worked with brazen Shadow,
And make the night his day.
When terror ruled the night,
And fear left its mark,
The word was out for a boy who’s nuts,
To take his shot in the dark.
She found him a boy dressed in nightime blue,
And nothing for her was the same.
For out of this dark came a boy with a spark,
And Tim was his name,
Yes, Tim was his name.
He met a brazen Shadow,
He wore a lightning brand.
He gave her cookies that’ll
Make her eat from his hand.
—from the movie.
…I didn’t get a “Harumph!” from that guy.
Someone give this guy a box of cookies! 8D
and after the humanity lesson…, they had sex…
Hmmm… nah.
Not this early. Give it a few years from their perspective, after puberty hits both of them.
at their age? maybe some kissing. but sex? no. They are way to young right now.
Yeah, there’s none of that, not even a hint, while they are kids. Expect hand holding levels of contact and hugs for the most part.
Seems to be a long long comic
Yes, this certainly will be.
Hey Brandon i have a question from an artist to another: do you like to hear music while drawing? if yes what kind?
I have arons 2GB of ‘work music’ on my pc, most of it is epic orchestra or dj mixes of epic music, so i got curious about your process =p
I do like music while I work and have several complete discographies of several bands that I loved from my past and present. Mostly it’s rock music and old game soundtracks.
Heh. Been a while. I see this has diverged quite a bit from the original version. I can’t wait to see where those little butterflies lead this story. I imagine that they’ll be taking this someplace familiar, yet very much unrecognizable.
…And then they watched Bruce Campbell movies until dawn.
Ooh! Good Idea! XD
Heh….Until Dawn….. now every time someone says that, I chuckle a bit.
Wonder if Shadow would be interested in human horror flicks. Especially those old teen slaughter ones. Get an idea of what we humans consider scary… or at least used to. XD
I realy look forward to their first kiss ^_^
Me too! XD
By the way, I like Shadow’s outfit here. She gonna keep switching up her threads throughout the series?
Or is this the same one she’s been wearing and I’m a dolt?
It’s the same dress she wears under her robe, she just has her red cape fastened around her waist creating a longer dress look. I agree that it’s a good look on her. She will have a few different outfits over time, as will Tim as I get bored drawing the same clothes over and over. Other characters will probably change less often, or as the situation requires.
Master B. Do you make sketch on paper before you draw on computer?
Nope, everything starts on the computer in PhotoShop. Rough layer —-> Ink lines —-> Colour
Would you be able to do a timelapse to show your work :3
Probably not, I work way too sporadically to do something from beginning to end like that. XD
You could just take screen shots as it’s progressing, that would create the time lapse. You wouldn’t have to do it all in one go silly.
I don’t think my technique is all that special or anything, it’s pretty basic stuff. XD Maybe sometime though.
I have a question related to the creation of your comic.
How do you plan out your comic page’s panel layout and dialog. Also do you have a personal set-up for the process of developing the dialog per panel?
I write everything out like a script in a word file on my computer. I do it in big chunks, planning several pages at once and I always try to keep a few weeks ahead of where I actually am in the comic, for instance, I’ve already got the next 4 pages planned. As far as panel layout, I look at my script and see how the conversation ‘divides up’ to see how many frames it’ll take. Then it’s just a matter of figuring out the main focus.
Admittedly, I’m fairly amateurish at it.
GAWT EN HEAVAL! Shadow’s lookin’ at Timmy’s *haw-honk* O_o
And how long after their initial meeting is this scene happening?